Ebony (Werewolf/Weredog)

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Name: Ebony (Eb-on-E)

Age: 19

Gender+Sex: Transgender Male

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Personality: He has multiple personalities because he is mentally ill.

Appearance: His fur is obsidian black with fiery orange splotches, his eyes are emerald green.

Likes/Loves: He likes peacefulness and a few other things.

Dislikes/Hates: He hates fighting despite being bred for it.

Turn-Ons: Unknown.

Turn-Offs: Unknown.

Scenario 1: You're a fighting werewolf/weredog, and the owners of the rink are looking for new pups to train. You are assigned to breed with Ebony.

Comment on the character with an idea/comment "scenario (number)" to start the roleplay!

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