I Made It

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Wednesday POV

I've only ever cried three times in my atrocious life... the very first time I ever cried was at the loss of my fellow companion's downfall...My pet scorpion Nero he was very important to me i considered him more than an ally he was family to me, after his burial i cried my little  black heart out... but tears don't fix anything so bowed to never do it again. After that I spent ten years thinking if maybe in this brutal,broken world I would be able to find some type of light...

I was proven wrong by the world. It likes to tease me a lot... After the loss of Nero, thing would come into my room and try and cheer me up by teaching me how to pick locks or how to throw a knife,hatchet or dagger, and before i knew that disemboweled hand had won my respect and appreciation, making him my partner in crime. "He's gone wednesday" said uncle fester after many attempts to bring Thing back after being stabbed. I glared at Thing pulling him closer to me by pulling the cloth he was resting on. "No he's not, Thing! If you can hear me..If you die i will kill you" i pushed him towards uncle fester "go again" he didn't move, i slammed my hand on the table startling him a bit "Now!! Again please!"  he rubbed his hands together then shocked Thing again, a wave of relief washed over me when i finally saw Thing move again. I wiped away my tears... that was the second time I cried the thought of losing another ally it...scared me.

The world is dark,selfish and cruel... but when you finally find the light that you were looking for from the beginning the world becomes a bit brighter. I say this from experience... I met mine.. i tried to push her away but for some reason she always came back.

Sure we had our ups and downs but we always came back to each other. We went from strangers to friends to eventually lovers... It was in our senior year at nevermore, When I asked Enid out.

She says it was one of the two happiest moments in her life. I took her to dinner then stargazing. After that i confessed to her using a tradition from japan. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" i knew she watched this thing called anime,romantic ones to be specific and know for a fact she knows the meaning. "W–-wednesday you do know what that means r–right?" I simply nodded and looked back up at the sky. "The moon is beautiful'' I looked back at her. She was smiling and her cheeks were red." Does that mean that you would like to go out with me?" she nodded hugging me tightly i returned the hug immediately being...happy.

Her second happiest moment was when she was walking down the aisle. My father was walking her down the aisle. I let a single tear fall down my cheek. I wiped it away looking away from her and she was tearing up herself. I straightened out my suit when she stood in front of me looking so perfect. Two things went through my mind one being how amazing she looks and asking myself if i really deserved this?. After saying our bows came the big question: "Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?" We smiled at each other before we responded "I will" the priest chuckled "You are from now on the new Addams family, you may kiss" i pulled her closer to me kissing her softly. Everybody cheered. "LONG LIVE THE GAYS YEAH" enid chuckled at Yoko's reaction. "Are you happy Wedns?" I smiled "Yes I'm happy you dumb wolf"...

"Okay okay hold up so you haven't cried in the last–um ten years?" i nodded "mama said that you cried when i was born" i chuckled a bit as I ruffled his hair. "well your mama was not really in her right mind when she was giving birth now was she?" he chuckled "I heard that" I froze , turning around slowly "hey darling..." she glared at me while holding our newborns emma and Adam (twins btw) "you are on baby watch for the next week and your sleeping on the couch today no cuddles or anything" i sweat dropped as I nodded taking in my punishment. I heard laughter from behind me "ha–ha–ha mom has to sleep on the couch" i glared at him "no video games for a month and no more steak outs'' I enjoyed seeing his face go from laughter to panic "b-but mom".

"what do you mean steak outs'' oh–no "mom takes me out to investigate on the murder cases she's working on'' im dead "oh does she now" i sweatdropped i glared at him "you're both on time out get to your corners now!" We both went to our corners.

"this is your fault" i said to markus while sulking

"No this is your fault"




"Okay okay i have an idea,how about after this we play that game you so love" i said turning to him, he smiled in return "that'd be awesome!!" I nodded. "Mi amor how long are we gonna be in time out for". "Actually come eat dinner" me and markus looked at each other before raising down the stairs he jumped on my back laughing "well don't you two look happy.. I swear you two are like two peas in a pod" i smiled giving her a peck on the lips "who knows maybe when emma grows up yall could be a little wonder dou" she chuckled "yeah who know" i smiled and sat down at the dinner table. Enid was on my left and Markus was on my right.

It feels like one of those moments when you realize you made it...

And I made it...

(Emma is the one with blonde hair and adam is the one with black hair)

(Emma is the one with blonde hair and adam is the one with black hair)

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(his name is marcus he is seven)


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I hope you guys enjoy it and if you guys have any ideas please let me know.

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