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❝You're caught between a
dream and a movie scene
In a way, you know what I mean❞

As autumn arrived at an unexpectedly rapid pace, the summer baked goods and freckles spread all over his face were replaced by thick-framed black glasses he used to read books during his long breaks. A slight, contagious smile appeared on his face, which was barely noticeable considering that the boy covered his mouth with the sleeve of the long blue sweatshirt he was wearing. The book landed on his lap when the previous position turned out to be extremely uncomfortable. There was scratched nail polish on his shortly cut nails, which attracted the brunette's special attention, as the younger one began to pick at the laces of his worn-out sneakers, probably without even noticing it, which was the reason for his interest in the book.

The bell rang, informing the students that the break was over. Before that, however, the older boy smiled to himself, writing down in his notebook the title of the book he would be looking for on the shelves in the library right after classes. He didn't do it because he was interested in the plot, or because he was curious about why Liam reacted to various moments the way he did - instead, he was looking for a way to get closer to the boy, but if common interests arent it, then what should he do?

* * *

He wrinkled his nose when the smell of books that had been lying on the shelves, probably untouched for several long years, reached his nostrils. There was silence, which he was afraid to disturb, taking heavy steps on the creaking floor, mostly covered with broken, old panels. He got to the right shelf, without the librarian's help, surrounding himself with wooden shelves full of books and dust. In the pocket of his black denim jacket there was a wrinkled piece of paper that he had torn out of his notebook moments earlier.

After taking it out of his pocket, he tried to gently straighten it with his trembling hands, so as not to damage or torn the part where the title of the book was written. When he finally managed to read the sloppily written words, he looked around, searching for the title on the shelf. Art played a big part in his life, but it wasn't the place for him. He definitely preferred watching action movies rather than discovering love stories in a way like someone people did. Despite everything, he found himself in the school library, an hour after finishing classes, looking for a book he would never have looked at had the situation been different.

After a while, he finally found what he was looking for. He ran his slender fingers over the cover, which was grayish in color and visually unremarkable. He smiled, and then quickly walked towards the teacher serving there, who took care of the library between classes. She smiled back and after writing down his name in her notebook, she handed the book back to the boy, who adjusted his backpack and then turned towards the exit, knowing that he had to wait until the end of this lesson to take the younger boy home safely.

The last thing he expected was to see the previously mentioned person a few meters in front of him. He felt as if all eyes in the room were turned towards him, which wasn't necessarily the case. A blush appeared on his cheeks and he scolded himself for it, hoping the other wouldn't notice. They made eye contact. Time did not stand still, as is often recorded in various stories, which thematically suited the place they were in. He had the impression that everything had passed too quickly, and he hadn't had a chance to take a closer look at all the details that made him unable to say any words without stuttering, his heart beating several times faster, and felt as if the temperature in the room had suddenly risen a few degrees higher.

A slight smile appeared on the younger's face as he stopped staring at each other, looking at the object the other was holding in his hand. Instead, he looked at the boy's eyes, which with the end of summer abandoned their light shade and, as autumn entered, turned caramel, leaving a golden glow. Then he knew that if he were to paint what happiness looks like, he would definitely use these colors.

"Oscar Wilde?" He asked, more of a statement, since he was sure it was that author, nodding his head at the book the older boy held in his hand. He nodded his head, knowing full well that he would never have thought of borrowing that book on his own initiative.

Zayn nodded his head, still staring at the boy. They were close - maybe not that much, but it was something for him.

"Sure it is" He responded, still decorating his rosy cheeks with a smile that didn't plan to leave his face. Liam's cheeks were also flushed, and an uncomfortable silence fell between them. He wondered whether Liam ever thinks about him the same way. Does he ever get curious about how the fate always makes them brush past eachother in the hallways? Does he ever notice that someone's watching him?

Moments later, he was standing still in the middle of the library, this time alone, wondering what on the earth has just happened. He decided to walk back home alone, leaving a moment of privacy for Liam and enjoying the music playing in his headphones, trying to stop the multitude of thoughts in his head.

* * *

He felt happy. It wasn't the first time he had admitted it to himself, but the feeling was much stronger than before. He buried himself under the down duvet, disconnecting himself from reality. When the sun set in the evening and the first shining stars appeared in the sky, he was reading a book, whose pages were illuminated by the moonlight. The black, bitter coffee that ends every day has been replaced by a caramel drink, which had the color that Zayn particularly liked.

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