Chapter 5 - A New Tattoo and An Apology

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Still Victoria's POV:
The Next Day

I knocked on Gemma's door. I needed to talk to her about last night, and that ever since then, Jax has been acting weird and he hasn't been talking to me that much.

The door opened slightly.

"There's a familiar face." Gemma chuckled.

"Mom.." I couldn't finish my sentence. Before I could stop myself, tears flowed down my cheeks, but that was only the beginning.

I began to bawl my eyes out. Gemma opened the door all of the way, and allowed me to fall in her arms. My face was in my hands, and tears spilled from my eyes like buckets full of water that had just been knocked over.

At least that's what it felt like.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked sweetly.

I calmed down after a few minutes went by, so I was able to explain.

"Last night, Jax slept in my bed with me. He said things in his sleep, and when he woke up, we had a little make out session, he kissed me, then the kiss got more heated, and...then he just started to barely talk to me afterward." I explained in between sniffles.

"He'll come back around. He is just shocked that all of that happened. I know my son." Gemma replied. "He likes ya too, ya know."

My eyes went wide.

"You're kidding." I scoffed.

"No, I'm not. I'm serious. He told me just two days ago."

"Wait..I heard him talking on the phone yesterday. With Juice. I think he's getting a new tattoo today. It's Sunday, and he said he wanted it today." I muttered.

"I know what the tattoo is. But, I won't tell you. It will ruin the suprise." Gemma snickered mischievously.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm aware, mom." I sighed.

"Better get back home before he gets back." Gemma told me. I nodded, and left.

Jax's POV:

I felt unbelievablely guilty. I had barely talked to the girl that I have loved my whole life after something that I wanted to happen for a long time happened.

It was a bitch move.

I was riding my motorcycle home after I had just gotten my new tattoo.

I wanted today to be the day that I told Victoria how I really felt about her.

I then felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I ignored it until I got home, and when I answered, it was Victoria.


Her voice was slightly shaky.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm actually outside of the house, I'm 'boutta walk inside."

"Oh, alright." She mumbled. I then hung up.

It sounded like something was wrong.

I walked inside of the house, and the first thing that I saw, was Victoria's beautiful face.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey. What's wrong?"

"Why are you barely talking to me?" She questioned.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Last night shocked me, is all...Listen, Victoria, I love you."

The words came out faster than I wanted them to. I wanted to tell her later that night, but I couldn't stop myself in time.

She just looked at me, with a look of shock on her face.

Third Person POV:

Jax stood there in front of Victoria. He was scared on how she might react.

Victoria was ecstatic. Happiness coursed through her veins; flooding her body like a tsunami flooding an entire city.

"You're...You're kidding, right?" The girl asked, clearly astonished.

"I'm not, sweetheart. I've loved you for a long time now. I've been trying to show you, but...I guess you didn't catch on." He choked out.

"Jax...I love you so fucking much..." She replied. Her smile was the biggest that it ever has been.

"Victoria, I want you to be my old lady." Jax stated.

"I want you to be my boyfriend, Jax. I have for God-knows-how-long."

Jax wrapped the girl in his big, strong arms.

"You wanna see the new tattoo?"

Victoria looked at Jax's oceanic eyes, and nodded.

Jax let the woman go, and took off his biker vest, then his black sweatshirt.

On his collarbone, Victoria's name was tattooed in cursive, along with devil horns on top of her name, and a tail after the last "a" in her name.


"What do ya think, sweetheart?" He asked, wearing a gleaming smile on his face.

"I love it.." She giggled truthfully.

"I'm glad ya do...By the way, I owe you another apology. I'm sorry about last night. I never meant to hurt you like that."

Victoria cupped Jax's face in her hands. He looked so adorable when he had his face in her hands.

"It's alright, Jax. At least we are finally in the relationship that we always wanted to me in." She explained.

"Yeah, you're right." Jax chuckled. "Can I get a kiss, sweetheart?"

"Of course, baby." Victoria giggled before kissing Jax's soft, lips.

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