"Ethan and Kody are welcome. I have no problem with them. The last time I saw Altan I told him I don't want to see him unless it was necessary and this gathering isn't one of those times. He can stay here in the state but he better not show up at my house."

"Yea no I get it, he won't show up. I got you man. I'm gonna go tell my mates to get ready and I'll see you soon." With one more hug he was gone and I couldn't stop smiling at his news.

A half hour later I finish up the report and head home, the drive is quiet since I don't want music on and it gives me time to clear my thoughts before the events of the evening. I pulled into my drive and saw my mates sitting outside looking at the view and when they heard my truck, they both looked over and smiled at me and waved.

"Gosh it is so good to come home and see your beautiful faces." I said once I got out and they both turned a little red and I chuckled walking over to them and kissed them one at a time and held them both for a few minutes.

"It is really great being here." Dallas said and Gaelen nodded against my shoulder.

"Well we have company coming soon. My other best friend Mikael and his two mates, one female and male, are coming for dinner."

"Who is it? Have I met them?" Gaelen asked.

"No. It's Kodys daughter Amilia and Garrett. Mikael came to see me today to tell me some wonderful news. They are expecting their first child in a couple of weeks." I was excited to share the news but they seemed worried.

"What happened?" I asked and they didn't look me in the eyes.

"We saw Altan today." Dallas went on to explain what happened at the store and I was pissed.

"Daddy I need you to come get your pathetic excuse of an ex-mate out of my town before I go and beat his ass." I said once I called daddy and he answered.

"Well hello son, I'm well thanks for asking. Sure I'll call Altan and tell him I need to see him."

"Sorry daddy, I just found out he showed up and won't leave until he sees me when he knows my conditions and my boundaries. If he keeps this up, I'll break our familiar bond with him." I could hear his gasp as if he was next to me and I sighed.

"Ryker, if you do that the connection with Amar and Leo will also be gone. Do you really want to do that to your tiger?"

"If Altan doesn't stop his shit I will. I've had it." I'm serious, I will break my bond with Altan if he won't leave well enough alone.

"I'll talk to him son, just let me handle it alright? Other than that, how are you? How's work?"

"Long day and I'm fine, I'll explain later, I have plans soon so I have to go daddy, I love you."

"Ok, I love you too, kid." We hung up and I went to take a quick shower before starting on dinner preparations.

"Ok so we got started on the steaks, the grill is on and ready for the meat. What else do you want to go with it?" Gaelen asked as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

"Mashed potatoes, corn, salad, rolls and a strawberry cake for dessert. It's Amilias favorite."

"Ok, do you want one of us to run to the store to get her a gift and card or something?" Dallas asked this time and I liked that idea.

"Yes please my sweet, I'll look up what I have in mind and send it to you." He kissed me quickly and grabbed his keys and ran out the door. I chuckled and Gaelen and I started on the rest of the food. I put the steaks on the grill and he brought me a glass of sweet tea and kissed my cheek before going back inside. I looked up gift ideas and sent them to Dallas before I went back to grilling.

It is really wonderful having my mates home, I can't say that enough. It's not so lonely anymore and the house now feels like a home.

I'm not sure where they are going to apply for work and that's ok, I'm just going to enjoy them home until they find a job and I'm in no rush for them to work. I'd rather have them home but I'm not going to be selfish and tell them that. They worked hard for their degrees so I'll support them in whatever they choose to do.

"Guess who?" I heard her voice whisper as she put her hands over my eyes and I reached up and took her wrists in my hands and pulled her close to hug her before I turned around and there she stood, Amilia looking so beautiful with her big round belly and happiness shining in her eyes.

"Oh mama look at you. You're stunning!" I couldn't help the tears as I looked at her. Amilia was always there for me even when I pushed everyone away, she didn't let me and I appreciated her more than anyone else at that time in my life. She has been a rock for me and knows all my deep dark secrets. She would help clean me up after I'd get beat by those fuckers and she'd feed me when I'd be starved for days. She would hold me when I'd break down because I couldn't take it any longer.

Kody and Ethan had no idea what I had been through, she kept the secrets for me because I didn't want to hurt anymore and I knew I would be punished for saying anything, even worse than what was already done to me. Gary and Joseph would try to kill me, they hated me so much and there wasn't anything I could do, I'm a shifter so I healed almost instantly so I had no proof of any of it and they are human so I couldn't hurt them or I'd be in trouble, it was a lose lose situation all around. That's when I decided I wasn't going back, ever and she understood so her and her mates would visit me and all was well. I hadn't even told daddy what all they did to me and I don't think I ever will.

Altan has yet to tell the council what happened so to me, he's nothing but the other part of my DNA. Maybe, just maybe if he ever came clean I might try having a relationship with him but not until he shows me he is willing to work on it. I doubt it because he's had years to do one thing and he won't do it. I have no idea why.

"Awe don't cry Ry Ry!" She wiped my tears and I held her for a few moments just happy she's here and finally having a baby.

"I can't help it. After everything you have been through you deserve this. I'm just so happy for you." She didn't get a chance to reply before Garrett grabbed me and hugged me and rubbed my head like he would all the time when I was emotional.

"It's good to see you Ryker. You look well. Better than the last time I saw you." He said when he let me go and I nodded looking at Gaelen who was standing off to the side letting us have our moment.

"Oh I'm much better now. My mates are done with school and have moved in and Gaelen and I are on the path that's set out for us. We are working on our bond and it's getting stronger as the days pass. We are happy."

"What do you mean mates?" Amilia and Garrett asked and I looked at Mikael and he shrugged.

"I have another mate, Dallas. I met him at the airport when I came home and they were there so that's when Gaelen and I talked some and I met Dallas. He's wonderful, you will like him. Both of my mates are amazingly wonderful men and I'm finally happy, after everything I'm happy." They all smiled at me and Amilia went inside with Gaelen to take a rest and the guys helped with the rest of the meat before Dallas came back with the gifts and he put them in our room for now until after dinner.

Tonight is going to be a lot of fun. I have my mates and three of my favorite people in the world with me. Let's hope it all goes well and Altan doesn't show up.

Bound to My Human Mates...Book 6 Of The Silver Moon Shifter SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now