Chapter 7

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Neil made his way to Audrey's office after receiving a page from her. He was greeted by both her and Aaron Glassman.

"What is this about?" He asked while standing half way in an open door

Audrey raised an eyebrow in a *really you don't know?* look meanwhile Glassman flashed his smile and said: "Come in first will you"

Audrey and Aaron looked at each other and then flashed a smile together at Neil. Neil looked at them confusingly even though he knew what this was most probably about.

"Congratulations Chief." Glassman blurted out.

"It was a unanimous call. You are the best person for the job. Well one of the best." Audrey added with a teasing smile on her face.

Neil was too stunned to speak. As he was about to, Aaron pulled him into a hug. "You have earned it and you deserve it." He ended the hug and faced both Audrey and Neil. "Do this hospital proud. I believe in both of you. Oh and you can thank me for advocating for you, by getting this hospital a INUMAC MRI Scanner." All three of them giggled. "Aoki will call you soon to officially break the news".

"I.. I just- Thank you", Neil couldn't put together a coherent sentence. All his life ever since he had decided to become a surgeon he dreamt of becoming the chief of surgery. Once he snapped out of his reverie of delight and gratitude at the news, he said out loud the one thing he had wanted to voice, if he was chosen for the position.

"I accept.. on one condition". His statement puzzled both Audrey and Aaron. "I want to retain my position as a Surgical Attending"

"Why?" Audrey and Aaron both asked together.

"Because this is a teaching hospital and I still want to teach." Neil stated his reasons, just as Claire popped in his head. "I don't want to leave the education of my residents in the middle and most importantly, there have been way too many shuffling in senior positions in the past year or two. Me retaining my position as an attending will keep some stability, for the time being. I know traditionally the chiefs have to leave the position of the attending, but well.. since we are bending the rules, I am sure we can bend them here too"

Audrey and Aaron looked at each other, both silently agreeing with Neil's arguments.

"And you can take that as my first decision, as the co-chief" Neil teased.

Aaron nodded, "I will tell the board and Aoki. And we will announce it with a brunch buffet tomorrow. And please, none of that old French croissant stuff. I want a revamped menu". Aaron walked out sharing a laugh with both Neil and Audrey.

Once alone, they both faced each other, sharing looks of respect and encouragement. Their relationship was short-lived but they cherished it, and the perspectives it allowed them both to have. Oddly, or maybe not, their history would allow them to work better together at a shared senior position. The romantic feelings had faded away, but the deep respect and mutual professional admiration would always be there.

"Congratulations again. How are you gonna celebrate? You know you can't break this news to anyone just yet" Asked Audrey, casually resting herself on her table.

Neil could only think of two people he wanted to celebrate with, his sister Gabby and Claire. 

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