'I asked, since when you've turned into such a little brat,' he repeated. The corners of his mouth were turned upwards and it was clear he was laying out a trap for you. His dark eyes gleamed and you couldn't help but get sucked into them.

'I'm not a brat!' You said defensively, stepping into his obvious trap anyway. Irritated, you took a daring step towards him as you stared at him. The mocking look on his face only grew, a grin mixed with discontent and that same annoyance that you reflected.

'You sure did look and sound like a brat when you yelled at me at school,' Minho egged you on, digging the trap deeper and deeper. 'Screaming at your professor like a crazy person, whipping out all kinds of accusations. Sounds like first-class brat behaviour to me,' he said drawling. The tone of his voice was just another way he knew how to irk you. His pretty lips still curled in that disgusting mocking smirk.

'I am not a brat!' You repeated, but your defence was just as weak as the first time. Minho huffed mockingly and raised a brow.

'Then what are you? Hm?' He said, his voice suddenly raw, his tone almost stern as his eyes seemed to drill holes into yours.

'I'm a goddess,' you said intently, this time it was your turn to lift your chin and look at him challengingly. But he wasn't intimidated.

'Right,' he said, suddenly returning to his degrading demeanour, looking down on you with that punchable expression. His long eyelashes fluttered as he stared at you almost disgusted. 'A goddess who runs around, following a human boy like she is a puppy after her owner,'

These words were so unfair and such bullshit that you felt yourself exploding inside.

'Excuse me?!' You boomed, clenching your hands into fists and taking another step towards Minho, causing you to almost be toe to toe with him. 'I do not follow Adam around at all! Besides, what I do and with whom is none of your business!' You hissed.

'Oh no?' Minho said at a dangerously low tone. His face inches towards yours and you could feel your heartbeat fasten. His perfect nose was only inches away from yours now and you could count the long dark lashes surrounding his eyes. 'Aren't you our goddess? Or have you decided to become communal goods?' He mocked.

With every word he had said he had dug you deeper and deeper into his pit. You were drowning. Furiously looking for words but too angry to find them. Instead, there was only the deep brown of his eyes. The long dark lashes surrounding them. The perfect straight nose that was almost touching yours. The soft pink lips that had already parted, his breath tasting sweet on your own lips that you had unknowingly parted too. Your head felt like it was spinning. With anger. With fury. With more than that. You wanted to punch him. To kick him. To kiss him. To feel his hands slide over your body, between your legs...

'Lino!' An annoyed voice came from the stairs, starting and waking you from your trance, making you step back. Minho didn't move but still stared at you as the stomping on the stairs came closer.

'There you are,' a grumpy-looking Seungmin stepped into sight. Finally, Minho looked away from you and at his friend. "Weren't you on laundry duty yesterday?' Seungmin asked, annoyed.

'Yes,' Minho spoke, his tone inscrutable.

'Then why is my laundry basket still in the basement?' Seungmin asked impatiently, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

'Right,' Minho said, and without another word he stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him and leaving for the stairs.

You stared after him gaping.

'There's a draft,' Seungmin said coolly as he saw you staring. You quickly closed your mouth and straightened your back, meeting Seungmin's blue eyes. 'Was he picking a fight again?' Seungmin asked, his voice calmer now that Minho's footsteps were out of earshot. Your jaw clenched involuntarily but it was all the answer Seungmin needed. 'He's quite the little shit lately,' he said, looking over his shoulder at the place where Minho had descended the stairs. 'Even Han is getting fed up with him,' Seungmin sighed, shaking his head. He looked back at you. The blue of his eyes seemed to have quite the calming effect on you somehow and you could feel yourself calming down slightly. 'Don't mind him too much, okay?' Seungmin spoke, his tone of voice soft now, sweet. 'And tell me if he's being an idiot again. I'll spark his ass,'

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