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T'challa :Emmy? ..... Ah hi?

Emmy :hi umm can I come in ?

T'challa :oh.. sure .... come in ..

Emmy :thanks 😊

T'challa :you want anything to drink? ,like a beer or water ?

Emmy :a beer please

T'challa :sure back in a bit

Emmy :k

T'challa awkwardly walked to the kitchen to get a beer and call his cousin  to make sure what time she was coming.

(Land-line phone ringing)


T'challa: we need to postpone our meeting to later in the evening.

Evlin:um okay , but what's up?

T'challa:my ex- girlfriend is here for some reason.

Evlin :Awww maybe she wants to make up?

T'challa:maybe ?

Evlin : wait who broke who ?

T'challa: I am actually not sure but when I got arrested I just assumed that it ended I mean would you wait for a boy ?

Evlin: uh duh

T'challa: anyway bye

Evlin: bye 😁✌

T'challa opened the refrigerator and got a bottle of brezzer and slowly walked to the living room deep in thought .

"T'challa " Emmy said disturbing his  thoughts .

T'challa : umm here's your beer .


T'challa handed Emmy the beer and sat down in silence .

Emmy:so how have you been?

T'challa: Not that good

Emmy: what's up girlfriend issues?

T'challa: I wish I could say that but I am   single.

Emmy: ha ! I thought we were umm.........

T'challa: dating?

Emmy: well yeah we didn't actually break up.

Emmy:I was waiting for you 😊

T'challa: really ? ☺

As T'challa asked that question "really " Emmy slowly stood up and walked over to T'challa.

T'challa: whoa ?

Emmy: what ?

T'challa: I just missed you 🙂

T'challa felt safe in Emmy's arms as they stood there in silence but not an awful silence but an enjoyable one like the calm silence of the night.

Emmy: I missed you
T'challa: me too .

After that they sat deep in laughter and conversation for an hour they were there in T'challa's living room like they never "broke up". An hour later Emmy received a call and had to go .

(Phone ringing)
Emmy: hello
Emmy:oh okay I am on my way
(Phone cuts )

Emmy :uh T'challa I have to go .

T'challa: oh okay let me escort you

Emmy : yeah !

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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