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T'challa was realised one year after his sentence on good behaviour and good conduct.
T'challa walked out of the prison gates not ready to face the world he walked half a mile home well to his parents home ,took a shower and cleaned up as he was was cleaning up he recieved a call from his best friend Mapalo that he was throwing him a welcome back party that same night and he said he will pick him clothes to wear he reluctantly agreed.

T'challa arrived at the party with a big entrance but he was not so mingly,
Because everytime he was around people he had an awkward feeling or vide that made him silent most of the time . He plastered a fake smile on his face and tied to enjoy himself. The party went on till about 12am in the morning and T'challa decided to go on home.

While he was walking home he could hear bullets and gunshots like they were happening again and again.suddenly a rattling Bush disturbed his thoughts but instead of checking it out he began to run not looking back . He reached the gate and ran to his door and opened it and shut it loudly you could hear it a mile away at that moment he began to cry as he remembered that horrible night,too terrified to sleep he just lay there staring at the ceiling .

(Birds chirping )
(Phone ringing )

Evlin : hello?

T'challa: yeah .

Evlin: may I talk to T'challa Njobu ?

T'challa : speaking .

Evlin: oh bro how are ya?

T'challa :Not very good ,since none of my family was at my ruling !

Evlin: oh yeah about that ha?Auntie said that the family has disowned you .

T'challa : WHAT ?!, I don't think you can do that .

Evlin:apparently you can .but I am still with you forever 💙

T'challa :Awesome thanks ?

Evlin:welcome ... Umm can I come over ?

T'challa : sure

Evlin: okay bye !

T'challa: bye !
(Call ends )

Immediate after that call he got out of bed , took a shower and cleaned up the house then he sat and turned on the TV and his game console and started to play fifa while he waited for his guest . About half an hour after he sat down there was a knock at the front door .
To his amazement it was not Evlin but rather his ex - girlfriend Emmy casanover , who he has not seen a whole year .

//please read part three //👇

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