Cat twin Resurrection Pt.1/2

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Lambert POV:
I heard footsteps while I was talking to Narinder about bringing back the twins I spun around to see (Y/N), they seemed to be tired but still a bit energetic. "Hey bud, how was the visit?" I ask them "tiring, but interesting... I need a nap after this" (Y/N) said as walked away after telling me what happened, now that he's not going to be awake for a bit me and Nari try to list what things are need for the resurrection of Aym and Baal, these things are: part of their clothing or weapon, flesh and blood, and cat DNA, I can use my own flesh and blood for the resurrection ritual and Nari has the cat DNA we need, now just part of their robes that they wore as I fought them, Baal's morning star mace was chipped off, and now Aym's scythe piece or a sliver of their robe... Where can I get that?

|||||Time skip|||||

I managed to get Aym's scythe, which was in the room where I used a ritual to bring my body to where Narinder was, odd... Anyways I was about resurrection the twins when (Y/N) entered the room insisting that they should be keeping guard, just in case he goes berserk after being revived, so I let him be nearby, though I dont know how he knows this, a instinct perhaps? Anyway I readied Narinder and I for the ritual

(Time skip brought to you by a Very Very writer's blocked Light)

At last we finished the ritual, but the moment Baal saw me he immediately attacked me, I braced for impact but felt no pain, then I noticed that (Y/N) blocked the attack with Moth, the both of them looked at me in the eye and shouted "Get ready!"

I'm so so sorry everyone, I just need help writing these chapters, maybe next time I should make a story map when I make a new book, anyway I hope you have enjoyed this short chapter

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