Chapter 4

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From that point on, you worked close to Levi whenever possible – and if you couldn't be nearby, you knew his fellow Garden Fairies were watching him just as carefully. They all fawned over him, not just because of his exceptional talent, but because of who he was as a person. While he may not have been chatty or overly concerned with the state of his fingernails, he nonetheless fit incredibly well with them. And although Levi tried to downplay it, you could tell he was fond of his guildmates as well.

Of course, you were exceedingly happy for him. It warmed your heart to watch him have fun with his new friends, to hear how fulfilled he felt with his job, to see the contentment in his small smiles whenever he was alone with you. He truly was blossoming into this new life.

When winter arrived, most of the work was handled by the Winter Fairies, so you and Levi had more time to spend together – even with the shorter days. Sometimes, you two joined your fellow community members for a snowball fight or ice skating. Other times, you kept to yourselves, appreciating the quiet winter landscape or cuddling close in front of the fire.

In those tranquil hours alone, you and Levi often swapped stories from before you met – yours only of your time as a fairy, since you didn't remember your past life, and his solely of his past life. You'd known he'd suffered, but it broke your heart to realize just how many of his memories were unhappy. At least, Levi told you, he appreciated the time he got to spend with his loved ones before he lost them.

"Do you think..." he asked you in a small, soft voice while the two of you sat wrapped in a blanket beneath the stars. "Do you think they got to be reincarnated, too? Any of them?"

You hugged him tighter upon hearing the hesitancy in his tone, as if he were afraid of the answer. "I don't know," you replied honestly. "It's possible, I suppose. Have you seen anyone in the community who looks familiar to you?"

Levi shook his head. "No. They aren't here."

"Well, you could check other communities. Sometimes, we send delegations to them, or they send delegations here, to keep up relationships. You could ask Queen Halcyon if you could go next time. And I'd be happy to go with you, if you want me to."

"I..." His brow furrowed thoughtfully, and he remained silent for a long moment. Then, "I don't know. Even if they were reincarnated...they've probably moved on from before. They're probably happy. Whether they remembered our past life or not, I'd only be dragging up painful memories if I made contact with them. And...I wouldn't want that. I'd want them to be able to live here, without being reminded of the bad things there."

"Always putting everyone else first," you remarked fondly while petting his hair. "But I think your friends would still want to see you, if they're out there somewhere. Sure, you went through some bad things together, but that doesn't mean they don't want you in their new life. They love you."

He stayed silent for another moment, motionless, before nuzzling further into the crook of your neck. "I'm...afraid," he admitted there. "I don't know if I can put myself through that – hoping I'll find them, hoping they'll want to see me if I do – only to realize, one way or another, I can't have them here."

"Okay," you sighed, your heart breaking for him. "That's okay. It's your decision. You think about it, and if you ever want to go look for them, I'll be right there with you. And if you'd rather not, that's okay. We can just stay here, just like we have been."

"Thank you," he whispered. "And...please don't think I'm...unsatisfied, with you. I'm grateful for what we have. For you. Our life here will always be enough for me."

You smiled, your heart warmed by his sweetness. "I know, love. But thanks for saying so."

Along with that, you two talked often about the life you now shared, and of how Levi was adjusting. A new body didn't mean all his survival instincts from his former life just went away. As during his Arrival, he was often tense, watching and waiting for threats that weren't there, and nightmares pulled him from sleep a few nights each week. The encounter with the outlander didn't help, either. Yet, the more time he spent peacefully with the community, the more time he spent inside the warmth and safety of your arms, you noticed the tension in his muscles lessening.

Blossom (Omega Levi x Fairy Reader)Where stories live. Discover now