Risky Decisions

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: The Poppy Family - Where Evil Grows


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 2:51 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

If I could build a wall around you

I could control the thing that you do

But I couldn't kill the will within you

And it never shows

The place where evil grows


A figure clothed in midnight purple entered the shop. The old lady, better known as Riské, walked into the room to meet them.

''Greetings Kaede.''

The figure scowled, taking their hood off their head to reveal their pale grey eyes and short brown hair.

''I thought I told you not to call me that. It's my kitsune name.'' Kaede told the old woman, rolling his eyes.

''Well in the time of almost a thousand years you still haven't told me that!'' Riské replied, sighing in frustration.

''Well then, it is Casimir, Destroyer of Peace. That is my normal name.''

''Whatever.'' The old woman replied dismissively, walking away from the male kitsune. ''Yours doesn't have a cool story to it, but mine does.''

''Oh, do tell,'' Casimir said, sounding annoyed.

''So you know Mistaké? That other old woman who sells tea in Ninjago? Well, I'm her adopted sist-''

''Nevermind, I shouldn't have asked, because I don't even care.'' The Male Kitsune/Shadow the Kitsune boi told her, crossing his arms.

Riské clenched her fists. ''Then why even ask?''

''I love it when you get annoyed, it's hilarious,'' Casimir answered boredly.

The old woman then picked up a small bottle, which was filled with a coruscating liquid. The male kitsune eyed it warily, before bringing his eyes level to Riské's.

''What is that? Poison?'' Kaede/Casimir questioned. ''Or is it something new?''

''Casimir, Casimir, I thought you were a full-grown kitsune.'' The old woman replied, looking down at the bottle in her hand. ''You're supposed to be smart, and not ask questions.''

He raised an eyebrow as Riské continued.

''It'll help me deal with (Y/n). The girl has no idea that she has the Dreamer's Disease, or that her brother is scouring the globe to find her, but he doesn't even know he won't ever find her without my help.''


''Your kitsune name is a girls name. Change it.'' Riské replied.

''I only act dumb so I don't have to talk to you all the time.''

The old woman sighed in frustration, before disappearing into the back of the shop. Hot Topic Wannabe followed.


The army was almost quiet as they marched towards the swamp. (Y/n) had four Vermillion Warriors restraining her, with more behind.

Vitamin C wanted to have a rest and lay down so she could sleep and not hear her father and her uncle tell boring jokes. Even her dad's cringy dad jokes were better than this crap.

Remo was in plain sight, trying his best to keep (Y/n)'s spirits up by playing charades with her.

''Such balance. Such power. When Ninjago is finally under our rule, they will sing songs about our triumph today, brother, and—'' Krux said.

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