I just feel safe here with you-🥀

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      Bruces POV:
After school I decided to go to my boyfriends house aka vance hopper to hang out for a bit Just because I didn't feel like dealing with my dads bullshit again..

I got on my bike and road to Vance's
-Some time later-
I got to Vance's house and walked to the front door
-knock knock-

No one's POV:
As Vance opened the door bruce waves hi to him with a cute lil smile

Vance POV
He looked so beautiful with that smile on his face but I didn't want to show that I loved his smile
"Hey what are doing here" I said while raising my eyebrow up
Well I was wondering if we could hang out for a bit you know Bruce says a little nervously
...Yea I guess come in

Bruce's POV
Oh really? Yes now hurry up before I change my mind
As I walked in house was...interesting nah I'm just playing his place was HUGE but not that huge as my house

Wow your place is huge

Thanks I guess make yourself at home...oh btw what else made you wanna come here?


Lair just tell me


Vance POV
I just know he's lying to me there's another reason why he's here I just know it I thought

Bruce I know there's another reason why your here Just tell

Bruce hid his face Just feeling himself crying

H-hey I didn't mean to make you cr-
I was cut off by Bruce hugging me I was confused but I hugged him back and dear GOD he was warm

Hey...Bruce what's wrong

Bruce wouldn't respond just muffling and tears

I picked Bruce up and walked to the couch laying down still with Bruce rubbing his head

Bruce POV
I Kept crying and crying I just wanted to hold him closer to me But then he picked me up to the couch or at-least I think it was then he started rubbing my head

I-I just safe here w-with you (I'm sorry for the stuttering I hate it as much as you do☠️)

I didn't hear Vance speak for a good minute but when he did I just wanted him to.......


Vance's POV
The moment I heard him say that my heart melted I just needed to say something so I did
Bruce I will always protect you and I put that ON GOD (idk what else to say🤷🏽‍♀️)

Bruce then kissed me and I kissed back I wiped away his tears and cuddled with him on the couch


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