David smirks, “She must haven’t told you.”

Catherine grin disappears quickly when she see the smug expression on David annoying face. “Tell me what.” she sneers.

Olivia glares at David and before she could stop him he blurts while putting his hand on Olivia waist. “We’ve mated.”

Catherine eyes begin to intensify as she hears this news. “You what!” She prays she heard wrong.

“You didn’t hear me Catherine.” David grins. “We’ve mated and were going back up north tomorrow morning and there we will get married.”

Catherine looks deeply into Olivia eyes waiting for her to push David away and come to her side and say that this is a lie, that all of this is some stupid joke, that she loved her and there was no way in hell some stupid wolf from north was about to take her away but Olivia didn’t; she stood there and then Catherine knew that everything was about to change. This was the end. There was no more Olivia and Catherine. She had no one.

David pulls Olivia hips back into him. “Don’t forget about what I said about your family and your pack.”

Olivia looks down. She couldn’t look into Catherine eyes. She had to save her family. David pulls Olivia hands and then says, “Lets go. We have a journey ahead of us. You can then meet my mother and grandmother. They will love you.”

Violet and Chloe looks at each other not believing this was really happening. Chloe blinks rapidly thinking this is some funny dream that she can wake up to and laugh at during breakfast with her friends but no this was seriously happening. Olivia was walking away from her family. Chloe looks at Violet to see the alpha trying to control her anger. She knew Violet was stubborn and wouldn’t express her feelings.

Catherine bites her lip and then hisses her anger was taking over. “So this is it!” she screams. “No words. You’re just going to leave.”

Olivia looks up with tears in her eyes. “It’s my duty.”

Catherine laughs in disbelieve. She waves her hands tears streaming down her face. “Fine Olivia. Leave but I swear don’t come back. You have lost me the same way I have lost you. I guess our love wasn’t as strong as I thought.” She laughs again wiping her tears. “My mother was right all along. She’s only going to leave you Catherine once she mates. This isn’t real love.” Catherine copies her mother voice. She shakes her head run her hands through her hair not daring to cry. “Bye.” With that she runs off back to the mansion.

Violet steps forward and Chloe stays closely behind her. “I’m not your mother. I’m your best friend so I can’t tell you what you should do and what your duty is all I can do is give you my opinion and what you’re doing is a mistake.”

“This is my family Violet. If I don’t do this they will die.”

Chloe bites her lip and then whispers, “You should sleep on this…”

“We don’t have time.” David pipes in making Violet growl. “Were on the verge of war.”

Olivia looks at David and then nods her head in defeat. “He is right.”

Violet and Chloe shakes their head in disappointment. “Call me when you are there.”

“Tell Catherine I love her.”

Chloe nods her head but Violet turns around and begins to walk away while saying, “You tell her yourself.”

Olivia stands there and watches her friends walk away until she can no longer see them. When they are gone David turns into a wolf and Olivia now knows that it is time to leave.

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