
At lunch, you were hoping Minho would show up. Turned out, he did. A smile grew on your face as you joined Minho.

"Hey," you greeted as normally as possible, trying to see if Minho remembered anything about the anniversary.

"Hey," he said back, just as casually as normally. Impatiently you bit your lip. "What's up?" Minho asked before taking a bite of his food.

"Just workin'. What about you?" You questioned.

"Oh, nothing really." Minho sighed and stuffed more food in his mouth.

Your stomach dropped. "Something special today?" You tried to hint.

"Yes," Minho replied. The smile on your face appeared again. "I have a day off."

Your face darkened. "Oh, yeah, I know..." you muttered. "Anything else?"

"Frypan is making bacon tonight." Minho smiled.

You nodded and tried to eat as normally as possible, hiding the hurt on your face. Of course, it didn't really matter but it would've been nice if Minho did something. You decided to not tell him, though. It would be embarrassing and he would tease you about the fact you had been counting the days.


The rest of the day you had been somber. Newt noticed as you worked in the gardens with him, since you were a Track-Hoe, or as you called it: you were a Mean-Hoe,
or maybe even a Mean-Hoes-hoe. (sorry I just had to add that)

"Where's the smile? It looks better on you." Newt commented, frowning as usual.

"Minho didn't remember." You hesitantly told the boy, trying to hide the pain in your voice.

Newt didn't reply for a few seconds. "Well, that's a pity." He sighed and kept working.

In the corner of your eye you noticed Minho running over to the Homestead, then to the Deadheads, and back to the Homestead multiple times. You frowned but kept working.


When you walked over to Newt and Minho for dinner, you felt the bracelet you made for Minho in your pocket. Should I give it to him anyways? You thought. With a small sigh, you sat down at the table.

"Hey," Minho cheerfully greeted.

"Hi," you mumbled in reply. It wasn't the best day for you.

"What's wrong?" Minho noticed it immediately.

"Nothing." You decided to just get over it. You were in a shucking maze anyways, so a stupid anniversary didn't matter.

"Y/n?" Minho asked.

You looked up. "Yeah?"

"Can you come with me?" Minho carefully questioned with a crooked smile.

"Sure," you responded, still not very happy. Minho grabbed your hand and walked towards the Deadheads. It was getting dark already, especially since the trees shadowed over you.
"Where are we going? The Deadheads?" You asked.

Minho chuckled. "We're not celebrating our anniversary next to dead bodies in the Deadheads, Y/n."

"What?" You almost stopped walking. So he didn't forget about it?

"Did you seriously think I would forget about our one year anniversary?" Minho smiled and you couldn't help to do too.

"Where are we going then?"

"You'll see." Minho mysteriously grinned and pulled you with him. Then your breathing hitched.

Small, white candles stood on the ground in the shape of a heart, there was a pink blanket or rug in the middle of the heart, and a light brown basket stood on the blanket too. It looked beautiful, almost magical. You could never wish for something better.

"Do you like it?" Minho fidgeted with his fingers nervously.

"I love it. It's so beautiful." You said, truly honest.  A smile grew on your boyfriend's face. You walked over to him and kissed him deeply.

"Well, happy one year anniversary, I guess."Minho took your hand and sat down on the blanket. "All right. Thomas helped me get the candles, Frypan cooked some food, and Newt plucked berries and stuff."

"What?" You smiled. "They knew about this?"

"Of course they did! I told them right after breakfast." Minho explained. "Now," he started unpacking the basket. "We gotta eat. It's a picnic at nighttime."

Your smile only grew bigger by the second. It was amazing what Minho did. You admired him as he put the delicious food down on the blanket.

"Thank you so much, Minho." You honestly said.

Minho chuckled. "No problem."

Then you realized the bracelet was still in your pocket. "I got something for you." You grabbed it and handed it to Minho, who immediately inspected it. "It's not perfect and kind of lame, so you don't have to wear it if you don't-."

"It's perfect, Y/n." Minho motioned for you to put the bracelet on his wrist.

You two enjoyed the rest of the evening and Minho never took the bracelet off.

𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now