My mask

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False fronts surround me.

Judgements cloud my mind

to only remind me,

that even my own family,

they only see one side of me.

Saving secrets is the best thing I do,

putting on a false mask is the best one I do.

Never know how to communicate,

don't know which words to speak,

which lines to say.

It's not my fault I try

my best but I leave everything


The only way I know how to converse

is to write down my thoughts in this journal.

I'm tired of staying silent.

I want a break from this shell

I'm trapped


But, I'm never one

to ask for help.

--(Please note the original poem ends here I'm not sure if I will be adding on to this)--


Author's note - I really don't think I'm continuing this one since I do believe its one of my rare finished poems. This was written when I wanna say 15/16 mainly about my depression and how I act like I'm fine and like how I was behaving the way they kinda wanted me to. I still struggle with this tbh like acting myself and not people pleasing or putting up a front to everyone but one day I won't do this and will be my genuine self. :)

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