chapter 5 - Truth or Dare? [edited]

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Truth Or Dare?


The walk took nearly five hours! I had no idea if we were even in the state of Connecticut anymore. Well, that was actually an understatement because he wasn’t walking; Damien ran the entire way with inhuman speed. I was of course on Damien's back the entire way so I could feel my cheeks flapping in the wind. I supposed he thought I ran like a human? I found that insulting but at least I didn't have to run for five hours straight right? I honestly wouldn't have been able to anyhow; I get tired really fast and even though I'm half vampire half werewolf you'd think I'd be stronger than a normal vampire or werewolf; wrong.

Of course, Jezebel ending up not going with us; she decided to stay behind even though we begged her to go with us. In the end she refused. She's very stubborn, I felt sorry for her mate; if she even had one. I shrugged to myself.

"What's wrong?" Damien asked coming to a halt.

"Nothing just thinking," I said as I slipped off his back.

"Oh, well, we are here!" He said throwing is arms up in the air.

I scan the surroundings and see a very old mansion that looked as if it were built in the early 1800s. It looked haunted and even though I hated to admit it; I'm a scaredy-cat. Well, in my case scaredy-dog.

"We're going-in there?" I gulped in fear. Damien nodded with a big grin on his face showing off his perfectly straight teeth.

"It doesn't even look safe to go inside."

"What are you afraid?" He teased.

"No I'm not afraid! I just don't feel so safe walking up that hill," oh, yeah that's it Alessa you’re not scared of an ancient, haunted looking mansion, you’re scared of a hill; smooth.

Damien just chuckled at me. "Do you need me to carry you again?"

"No, I can do it myself," I said as I stomped away towards the direction of the haunted mansion that I was sure was going to collapse any second.

"Well, alright then," he smiled. His smile made me weak but it wasn’t possible this time seeing as I was about to walk into what looked like the house of the crypt keeper and all.

Once we made it to the front door I was totally overcome by fear; a shiver ran up my spine and my skin was covered in goosebumps. "You okay Alessa?" Damien asked with a worried expression.

"I-I'm f-f-fine," I stuttered.

"You sure?" I didn't trust my voice anymore so I just nodded. "Alright," he said as he opened the door. It was completely dark, I couldn't see a thing! Of course there wouldn't be any electri-

One minute the room was pitch black and the next was brightened up and leaving my mouth agape. Inside the mansion was immaculate; as if it were a totally new furnished house! I guess that old saying was true; it's not about what's on the outside but what's on the inside that counts; don't judge a book by its cover.

"Welcome to my home away from home," he stated.

"This place is-is-wow!" I couldn't come up with a better word than 'wow,' I'm so lame!

"Thanks," he chuckled. "Let me show you around."

"Okay, but first I have to ask you something."

"Okay?" he arched his brow.

"Is this house haunted?" I started to fidget.

Damien burst into laughter causing my cheeks to flush. "I knew you were scared!"

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