Ch7 Anniversary

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A month has passed, and the talk about Jimin and Yara has died. Jimin stayed silent about the issue, unlike Yara, who really admitted it even to Miss Minji, Jimin's older sister, which also happened to our biology teacher.

Last Friday, I didn't see Jimin and Miss Minji in school. At first, I thought maybe they changed their schedule, but when the substitute teacher for the subject biology came in the classroom and told us that Miss Minji didn't come to school because of some family matters, I felt sad, like I lost my energy.

Dad drops me off at the main gate of the school, and I thank him before giving him a flying kiss, which I used to give since I was a little. When dad drives off, I enter the campus, and when I'm in, I see a group of students holding a flower.


I saw Jimin and his minions getting on to their cars that was parked inside, near the gate of the school, with their drivers waiting for them to hop on as they opened and held the door for them.

What a spoiled brat!

They got in, and the car drove off. I stood there thinking, What was going on? Why did they leave? the class will start in a few minutes.


I turned around to look at my friends coming to where I was standing.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"N-no, I'm just thinking of some-"


"No, I just saw Bangtan leaving holding flowers."

"Uhm that? Did you forget? Today is Angela's first death anniversary."

"O-oh, her friends will go and pay respect, I see."

"Umm, and so with Miss Minji, I heard she just came to pass the substitute teacher something for us, and later she will follow the boys."

Time flies fast, it looks like just yesterday Angela and Jimin were all over campus talk as the sweetest couple, but in reality, a year has passed since the accident happened.

So if today was Angela's
first death anniversary, that means last week was also one year since I was rushed to the hospital after I fainted at my cousin's wedding.

"Yah, what are you still doing there?"


"Y/N, the bell rang already, we have to go now."

"Ugh sorry."

We hurry and walk fast to our classroom before our teacher comes. We are so thankful that we entered the room first before the teacher, or else we would have been the stars of the day.

Students that are late coming inside the room after the bell rings will be punished by doing a student service, which includes gardening, cleaning the classroom or toilets, mending books at the library, and more.

But thank God, I've never done this before. I was so punctual, and the rooftop can prove that.

The rooftop is my hangout place, when I am on top, I can watch everyone.

I can see everyone, but no one can see me from above.

Staying at the rooftop, I feel relaxed, I get fresh air, and it gives me peace of mind, but not when these twins found me, and from that time on, I've never had peace of mind.

Staying at the rooftop, I feel relaxed, I get fresh air, and it gives me peace of mind, but not when these twins found me, and from that time on, I've never had peace of mind

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