Love drunk

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Kiara's POV


"Yeah" I breathe. wow is right.

I look over at jj, he's laying on his back next to me in the sand staring up at the sky breathing hard. He runs a hand through his messy hair and mutters

"That was..."
And then trails off

"JJ maybank lost for words? Never thought I'd see the day"

I joke trying to lighten to mood because right now it kind of feels... too sentimental for friends with benefits. We just had sex.
but I've never had sex like that before. That was intense and it felt..emotional.. maybe it's just because we're friends I try to tell myself.

"Congratulations your the first to render me speechless kie" he laughs but his eyes are soft

"We should probably we dressed.. we've been here for a while, the others will probably be back soon" I say suddenly feeling very exposed, I look around for my sports bra

"Looking for this?" Jj is holding it between his fingers with a smug look on his face

I snatch it out of his hand and get dressed as fast as I can I turn around and see jj is already completely dressed and waiting for me. We walk back to to the camp and sit down on the log.

"Uh kie" jj is staring at at spot on my neck just above my right collarbone

"What? Is it a spider? Get it off!"

"Nah not a spider.. just a hickey" he says sheepishly

"A HICKEY??" I yell  "jj how am I suppose to explain how fucking love bite? How bad is it?

He moves closer to examine the problem "shit.. well it's not exactly small.. sorry"

"Crap.. I guess I'll have to make up some bullsh- what are you doing- are you crazy?"
This guy must have a death wish, he moves my hair from the other side of my neck and starts kissing the hickey free side

"What? I'm helping?" He whispers innocently against my skin "you can say you got a rash or something, what kind of rash only shows up in one little spot?"

"Idiot" I laugh but I don't push him away instead I pull his face to mine and kiss him, we literally only had sex maybe 20 minutes ago and yet here we are making out, his hand creeping up my thigh higher and higher.. when suddenly we hear a noise coming from the bushes. It's the other, they're back. We jump apart so fast that jj almost falls backwards off the log. I quickly pull all of my hair to one side of my neck effectively covering the hickey just as the group approach.

Two hours later we are all hanging out by the fire, killing some time before bed.

"So did you guys find anything cool today" I ask

"we found a mini waterfall that was pretty awesome! I'll show you tomorrow if you want" says Sarah excitedly

"I'm down, that sounds great" I smile, it will be nice to hang out with Sarah tomorrow, we are overdue for some good old fashioned girl time.

I decided to go and lay down while the other talk because I'm pretty tired and before I know it I'm being woken up by a loud thud and a "shit sorry kie" I sit up rubbing my eyes "what the fuck are you doing" I ask jj who has apparently tripped right over me and almost ended up in the fire. Sarah, pope and Cleo are asleep but John b is sitting over on the log drinking from an old brown bottle.. what the fuck is that?
Wait.. could that be?

"Are you guys drinking alcohol right now?!"
I yell standing up

John b shushes me and jj covers my mouth with his hands, I shove him away rolling my eyes

"I found it in a little hut when we were exploring today, it was probably left behind by some cast aways or pirates or shit in the old days" John b explains

"We didn't want to tell you guys because you'd probably try to stop us from drinking it" he adds

"No shit idiots! It could be poison for all you know" I say looking from one dipshit to the other

"Reeelaxx kie, smell it it's clearly rum" says jj taking the bottle from John b, taking a long sip and handing the bottle to me

"I can already smell it on your breath jj your waisted" I say weakly as I walk over and hand the bottle back to John b

"I don't think he needs anymore" I whisper

John b smiles knowingly and puts the lid back on

"I think I'll go catch some Z's then" he yawns and goes and lays down next to a sleeping Sarah ignoring JJ's comments about him being boring and an old man

"Buzz kill" jj mutters as we walk back over to our sleeping places, we lay down next to each other.

"You're an idiot. go to sleep" I sigh rolling my eyes

"I don't want to sleep"

"I want to sleep"

"I want you" he says

I blush. Suddenly I'm glad it's dark.

John b coughs loudly



He definitely heard that

"Jj shut the fuck up John b can hear you" I whisper yell

"I don't care"

"What about the rules?" I whisper meeting his gaze

I know I shouldn't, he's drunk we shouldn't be talking about this right now but for some reason I can't help myself..

"Fuck the rules" he lowers his voice so I can barely hear him now
"I've already broken one of them anyway"

My breath catches in my throat.

Maybe he told John b about our arrangement.. or maybe..

No Kiara he's drunk he doesn't even know what he's saying I tell myself.
I look at jj half expecting him to say more but his eyes are now closed. I sigh and close mine too trying to ignore my racing thoughts.

Poguelandia Jiara's version Where stories live. Discover now