Chapter 18: Ghosts in the Snow

Start from the beginning

They all went to the Hole in the wall and Perry and his friends got to work while Jaune went outside the walls and watched the horizon for any signs of Grimm, but thankfully there was nothing.

Jaune stood and watched the horizon, however, his mind was on the people he left behind, he wondered if they would catch up to him, and a part of him wanted them to, but a bigger part of him wanted them to stay away from him, after all, he'd only end up getting them hurt or killed. He was a Monster who would get those he loved hurt, and he could not stand that thought, which is why he didn't stop at his sister's, he didn't want to take the chance that something might happen while he was there.

'It's better if I kept my distance' Jaune thought, 'I'd only end up hurting Saphron and Terra, or worse, I'd end up hurting Adrien... if that ever happened I'd never forgive myself,' He told himself.

The thought of something happening to his nephew getting hurt because of him horrified him, because not only he be responsible for what would happen, but he'd also see the hate in his sister's eyes. He could not live with that sight, if Saphron knew what he had done the past month or so, she would be horrified, she would be disgusted, she would want nothing to do with him, and he wouldn't blame her. He wouldn't want anything to do with himself either, he's spilled so much blood out of anger and empty vengeance, he was nothing but a monster who killed without reason... he was no better than the Grimm.

"You'll pay for what you did!"

"You'll burn in the abyss!"

"You'll join us soon enough," Shay said with a sinister giggle.

"Finally! Finally, we'll drag him with us!"

"To the Void with him!"

"You're coming with us! Down, down below!"

Shay appeared in front of him and leaned forward, "This is it Blondie, this is it" Shay whispered into his ear.

"You can never be free from us, our blood is on your hands forever," Malachite told him

'Maybe they are right... I do belong with them, in the pits of an empty abyss, where my soul will be tortured by the people I've killed,' Jaune thought sadly.

As he continued to watch, 4 hours have passed by and so far, there was no sight of Grimm, which was great for him, he was simply getting paid to be security, however, Jaune heard a horn go off once and turned around to see the workers stopping what they were doing and gathering up around one guy next to a large cooler, Jaune was wondering what they were doing until he saw Perry walking toward him with a smile.

"Hey, Jaune, it's break time," Perry told him.

Jaune looked and him and nodded, he walked with Perry back toward the wall, and he glanced back once more just to make sure, and when he did, he saw 7 or 8 figures coming toward them. Jaune stopped walking and turned around fully and looked as far as he could, and that's when he saw them, Sybers coming right at them.

Jaune's eyes widened and turned to Perry, "Get back to the others and get out of the area!" Jaune cried.

Perry turned around confused as he looked at the young knight, but that's when he saw the pack of Grimm coming toward them. He turned to Jaune with a worried look, "Are you sure you can take them on!?" Perry asked.

Jaune nodded, "I'll be fine! GO!"

Perry did as Jaune ordered and ran back to the other workers yelling at them, and warning them of the incoming danger. Jaune stared down the Grimm as they were quickly closing in, and he felt an itch coming, an itch he needed to scratch.

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