He was still writing, but each stroke seemed to take a long time, and he wrote slowly and laboriously. His hair was also wet, messy and sticking together, with the ends dripping water.

Although the room was temperature-controlled, I didn't have a sadistic tendency to mistreat a small dog by leaving him with wet hair.

I blow-dried my own long hair until it was almost dry, then walked over and aimed the hair dryer's nozzle directly at his head.

I turned the power up to the maximum, and the sudden blast of hot air made Axiu instinctively close his eyes, his messy hair swaying in front of his forehead. His eyelashes were also light-colored, long and thick, like small brushes, and were blown down by the wind.

He nervously adjusted for a few seconds before opening his eyes and looking at me in surprise.

I whistled at him, as if playing the rogue: "Are you done writing?"

Axiu knelt in the bathtub, his hair soft and drooping, with a few unruly strands standing up on his head, swaying in the wind, looking very obedient and submissive.

I held out my hand in front of his eyes, and he paused his writing and handed me the note without hesitation.

That's more like it. I was very satisfied with his cooperation and looked down at the words on the note. Axiu's handwriting is very beautiful. It is said that one's handwriting reflects their personality, and it really matches his appearance with strong and powerful lines. However, there are a few strokes that are not very smooth, probably because he hasn't written for a long time.

Originally, I looked at it with curiosity and a narrow-minded attitude, but as I kept looking, I slowly pursed my lips.

. . . I really didn't expect that the teasing joke I made was actually true.

The metal collar he wears uses some special technique to fit the curve of his neck, tightly and seamlessly. It allows for eating, airflow, and even gasping and moaning, but it does not allow for speaking or vomiting.

It also comes with the function of electric shock and automatic contraction, which is both a punishment for Axiu and a means for those people to better satisfy their desires.

It is indeed missing a metal chain.

"Unless you're hanging from the chain," I slowly read aloud, "you can't speak?"

Axiu was lying on the edge of the bathtub, half-closed eyes, looking very tired. I looked at him and he nodded slowly.

"What about other functions? Do they also rely on a metal chain?" I continued to ask, pointing to the unfinished half-word on the note, watching his head move up and down again.

No wonder he had such a big reaction when I hooked the collar and made a metallic collision sound. It turned out to be deliberately trained. Before the brain even becomes aware, the body has already firmly memorized every command.

"So where is your chain that controls you?"

He looked up with a hint of self-deprecating mockery in his eyes. Axiu shook his head, grabbed a new piece of paper, and wrote a word very hastily.

". . . all of them?"

What does that mean? I was a little confused for a moment. He noticed and lowered his head to write a few more strokes.

[Anything will do. ]

I took the paper and stared at the words, feeling indescribable. Then I turned to look at Axiu. He looked dejected, as if he had already fully accepted the fact that he had been brought home by a strange alpha.

Anything will do.

Any metal chain will do.

Any person. . . will do. In my heart, there is still some conscience that has not yet been extinguished. I rubbed the half-dried ink on the paper and felt a little sorry for him.

Author's note:

After being silent for so long, I am finally able to speak. It is a relief.

Latest comments:

"What kind of godly writing is this? It made me cry tears from the corners of my mouth."

"Can't you write 100,000 words a day? Please update more! I'll even shake my wife to make it happen."

"Please update soon, I want to keep reading."

"I really want to continue reading (insert starry-eyed emoji)."

"I'm jumping up and down in excitement! Please update soon, it's breaking my heart and lungs."

- The End -

A Scarred Omega [Female Alpha, Male Omega] (ChatGPT Translated)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang