They know

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"Maybe" I yell back
I'm definitely checking her out right now I'm not even trying to hide it anymore. But I'm also still
sitting here because I'm trying to 'calm down' a little if you get me. I don't know what this thing is that's happening between us but at least we've acknowledged that's it's .. something. Even if it's just because we are stuck on an island together and haven't had a fuck in a while.

I stand up and break into a jog to catch up to kie
We walk most of the way back in a comfortable silence. It's still completely dark out so it must be around 2 or 3 am at this point. Once we reach our camp we sneak past the other who are all sleeping soundly and lie down once again head to head.

I don't know what gives me the balls to do it but I whisper under my breath
"you do you, a bit of kissing isn't going to fix any tension Kiara"
She's silent, for a moment I wonder if she's fallen asleep or worse I've pissed her off.
"...Your the one who pulled away dude"
Fuck. What's she implying?
"Fuck" that came out louder than a whisper
"Shh" Kiara giggles "goodnight jayj"
"Night kie"
Well I won't be sleeping tonight.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because I was the last one to wake up. It must be noon already judging by hope low the sun is sitting in the sky. I rub my eyes and look around sitting up, pope, Sarah and Cleo are swimming and John b and kie are sitting on the rocks a few meters away from where I am, attempting to make something that slightly resembles a surfboard.

"Well well if it isn't sleeping beauty" laughs John b as I sleepily approach them
"Fuck off, I didn't sleep much last night" I say catching kie's eye she bites her lip and quickly looks away. I think John b noticed our exchange because now he's looking back and forth between us both. "Did i miss something here..?" He laughs
Pointing between us. "Nah man" "no" Kiara and I both say at the same time. I cough. It's awkward.
"Shit that's the 3rd splinter I've gotten now, I'm taking a break" Kiara says sounding flustered "going for a swim" I must be staring at her as she walks away again because John b clears his throat loudly and when I turn to look at him he has one eye brow raised.

"What" I ask trying my best to sound innocent
"Are you macking on Kiara dude?"
"Huh what? no? I don't know what your talking about man" I say way too defensively
John b scoffs and continues
"Sarah told me she saw you guys sneaking back to camp together in the middle of the night a few days ago"
"yeah sometimes we just hang out when we can't sleep" I say casually trying to get out of this damn conversation as quickly as possible
"Hang out and....?" Asks John b expectantly, eye brow still raised
"Fine.. we might have made out a little last ni-"
"Dude shut the fuck up" I whisper yell smacking him on the back of the head
"It didn't mean anything so keep your damn mouth shut about it please.. especially around pope" I add realising this is the first time I've actually considered pope in the whole situationship.
"Oo right yeah pope.. don't worry man I won't say anything but JJ?"
"Hurt her and I'll hurt you" he's only half joking I don't answer because I don't know what to say it's not like we're dating we aren't doing anything we've kissed that's it but there is this unspoken tension and now this pressure of people knowing about said tension.

Instead of speaking anymore I half smile half smirk, pull my shirt over my head and sprint full speed into the ocean to join the others. Eventually John b also joins, everyone is fucking around, splashing and having a good time I'm honestly trying my best to avoid Kiara because I know that Sarah and John b know that something is up and I don't want kie thinking I've gone and bragged about.. whatever the fuck we are doing. I feel her eyes on me in the water as I'm taking a breather, floating on my back I try not to look but I fail. Our eyes lock. Shit I shouldn't have looked. She is like a freaking goddess, the sun is shining right on her like a spotlight making her skin glow. her eyes leave mine and she lets them flutter closed and her head is back facing the sun, She pushes her chest out feeling the warmth. I swallow thickly she knows exactly what she's doing. Oh Jesus Christ I think I'm falling in lo-

Suddenly I'm submerged in water and I realise pope and John B have both tackled me under, I shove them off me and gasp for air as I resurface "dicks" I say pushing pope over into the water as he's standing the closest. Everyone laughs. We hang out in the water for another 20 or so minutes until Cleo and Sarah decide they are hungry and we all agree to go foraging for food.

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