Chapter 8= Is this the end? Part 1

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Dipper's P.O.V.

I called (Y/N)'s Parents,"Hello? Who's this" a voice said, "Dipper Pines."

"Oh, hello Dipper" Mrs.(L/N) said, "I found (Y/N)!"

"You do?!" She had a surprised tone in her voice.

"Yes. She's here in Gravity Falls, Oregon. Could you bring some cops on the way?"

"Sure." She replied.

"I'll explain everything else later."

"Ok bye." I hung up. N

ow I have to think of a plan.

●~~Time Skip brought to you by Blubber Nuggets... Mmm! They're chewy!~~●

I got it!

I just need some help. I asked Soos and Mabel to help me and they said sure.

"What about Wendy?" she whispered the last part and pointed at Wendy.

"Just leave her here. Don't let her know anything." "Ok dude." Soos said.

"Does everyone know the plan now, right?"

"Yes!" They both replied.

"Operation: Save (Y/N). Let's go!"

●~~Somewhere at Gravity Falls~~●

I saw Gideon in a gigantic robot with... (Y/N)?!?

She looked so different! I have to get her.

I looked at the picture that I was holding, me and (Y/N), when we were little.

She was so cute when she was little.

Your P.O.V.

I feel like someone is watching us, but it wasn't Bill the Dorrito Head.

Then I saw a girl with a Shooting Star Sweater "Hey Gideon, w-wanna hang-out..?"

"Of course I would Pumpkin Pie." I just rolled my eyes. Gideon told me to go out, but then someone tackled me.

"Who are you?!?" I screamed while struggling.

"Oh no! Bill must have wiped your memory-" The boy said.

"I said who are you?!?" I said and stood up, using my powers to make him up in the air.

Somehow I saw something fall down, I picked it up. I just stared at the picture.

Suddenly many memories were flooding back to me, "D-Dipper, Dipper Pines?!?".

I accidentally dropped him to the ground, luckily I caught him.

"No wonder you looked so familiar!" I said happily.

We both hugged each other then someone rudely interrupted us.

"Gideon, you will pay!" We both said in unison. But Gideon grabbed me with the gigantic arm/hand.

Is this the end?

To Be Continued...

Hi guys sorry for not updating. Hehe. You must be wondering what will happen to (Y/N), Dipper and everyone else. Only I know! I hope you enjoyed this chappie senpai ^.^ Bai!


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