"Oh that's right, Jungkook's family also lives here!" Taehyung pointed to another direction: "Over there near the south. When he comes back, we can go over to play."

"Ok......" Jimin looked around him, once again sighing at the wealth disparity.

However, now that he was much more mature, he didn't feel inferior like when he was young. On the contrary, he actually had an urge to work harder and become better in the future.

Taehyung's mom was at work, so after they reached the house, Taehyung handed the leash over to the housekeeper and hustled Jimin in to tour the place.

"First floor's just the living room and dining room, 2nd floor's the study, piano room, game room... This is my bro's room, wanna go in?" Taehyung turned to look at Jimin.

"Oh," Jimin paused, then went with the flow. "Ok."

Taehyung opened the door and brought Jimin inside to tour: "My bro only comes back once a year, so his room's basically left empty. Only the Auntie who cleans comes in periodically."

Jimin noticed the violin in the corner and froze. He wanted to ask Taehyung about it, but then, his attention was drawn to the photo on the wall.

Taehyung followed his gaze and explained with a smile, "That's our old family portrait. Originally, it was hung in my parents' room, but after they divorced, Mom hung it in Bro's room instead. She was probably afraid of it being an unhappy reminder."

That photo should have been taken when Taehyung was still young, but when Jimin saw those two identical faces, he was still incredibly shocked— He actually couldn't recognize...which one was Taehyung!

Taehyung glanced at Jimin, observing the other's reactions.

He still remembered when he talked about his brother after military training and Jimin had asked to see a photo. He had lied about not having one, but actually, he was afraid of his bro stealing his limelight.

But now things were different. Jimin was already his so Taehyung didn't need to fear, and seeing Jimin so flabbergasted, he actually found it quite funny.

Afterwards, he took out a few photos of him and his bro when they were young, and while pointing, explained, "This is me, this is my bro." He threw an arm around Jimin's neck and questioned in a bossy tone, "So, I'm hotter than he is, right?"

Jimin: "............"

What hotter? Hotter where?

Jimin was completely dumbfounded. These two...clearly looked exactly the same ok!

Taehyung tightened his hold and demanded fiercely, "Hurry up and answer."

Jimin's lips twitched. "You're hotter, you're hotter."

Thrilled, Taehyung planted a kiss on the other, then said, "Actually, if me and my bro don't talk, even our parents can't tell us apart, hahaha~"

Jimin: "Your voices are different?"

"No, the tone's different... I'm not sure how to explain it." Taehyung gave a slight cough, then mimicked his brother's tone and said a few words, adding afterwards: "Anyways, I think he likes pretending to have a lower voice!"

Jimin glanced at the violin in the corner again, and asked, "Your brother...plays the violin?"

Taehyung: "Yep. When we were little, Mom made us learn an instrument. I chose piano, and he chose violin... Ah that's right, when we practiced our four-hand duet and I brought that recorded accompaniment, he was the one who played the violin parts."

Jimin's heart received a huge shock. Without the need to ask further, he already knew that the person he met at the TV station must have been Taehyung's older brother!

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