Part 1

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This is a short gxg story !!)

     Yuri giggled while walking out of class, "It was funny, and you know it."
     Astra looked down to hide her blush. "You're so annoying, you know that Yuri?" Astra grumbled.
     "Of course I know that, annoying you if the only thing I like too do," Yuri replied. They walked to the small locker room and started grabbing their items for their next class, religion.
    Yuri grumbled, "Mrs. Backer is so annoying, she takes religion way to seriously, she is a killjoy." Yuri and Astra continued to walk to class, books in hand.
     "I mean, she's alright once you get to know her," Astra mumbled, "she's not that bad, she is just really strict when it comes to religion and our skirts," Astra responded quietly. It was true, Mrs. Backer, their school's religion teacher was extremely strict. Especially with the girl and their skirt lengths. More than three inches above the knee and it's a pink slip. (Although most girls just wore long skirts and rolled them up during the day)
     "Oh just shut up you teacher's pet," Yuri chuckled.
Yuri jokingly spun Astra around and pulled her close to her (Yuri's) lips by tugging on her tie.
     "Stop Yuri, Mrs. Backer is right there," Astra grumbled, "I know this is a joke but if she sees us we'll get in trouble and a talk about how God hates gay people, even though it isn't true."
     Yuri whispered in Astra's ear, "we won't get in trouble if we aren't caught." Yuri's hot breath that traveled down Astra made her (astra) shiver.
     "S-Stop Yuri," Astra's face was all red.
     "Fine, fine, whatever you want love," Yuri chuckled. Together they walked to class and went through it like a normal day--communicating secret codes with hand motions. As more time passed Astra couldn't stop thinking about Yuri. They way she pulled Astra close to her, the way she stared at Astra's lips, everything.
     Astra's face turned a bright cherry red thinking about it. She was incredibly flustered. She felt butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought about Yuri. She couldn't brush off the feeling, no matter how hard she tried. She ended up taking a piece of notebook paper and starting writing everything she was feeling. How she couldn't stop think about Yuri and how Yuri was... well... honestly kinda hot.
     Soon enough, class ended and the lunch bell rang. Astra and Yuri got up from their seats and started walk. Astra, who was blushing, threw the paper away quickly.
     "What was that?" Yuri asked intrigued.
     "Nothing, it was nothing" Astra grumbled.
     "Allright I guess," Yuri sighed. They continued to walk down the hall, Astra's eyes wondering all around Yuri's body. Her navy blue blazer slipped off her shoulder slightly, Yuri also wore clothes that were either too big or loose fitting.
     Lunch was normal for them, they sat at the end of a small table and talked about school and teachers. During lunch, Yuri kept dropping her bad pickup lines on Astra. Astra rolled her eyes at every one. After lunch was over they had a 25 minute break of free time, almost like a recess.
     "Can you come with me to the bathroom?" Yuri asked quietly.
     "I mean sure we always go together after lunch anyway," Astra responded.
They walked to the bathroom which was by the cafeteria. Yuri went into the big stall which was stationed in the back of the bathroom.
     "Why do you always have to pick his stall, it's so dark back here," Astra grumbled. A long silence filled the bathroom, then a shaky voice interrupted the pause, "A-Astra... can you come in here-?" Yuri sounded like she needed help, so Astra slowly pushed down the stall door keeping her eyes down.
     Before Astra knew it Yuri was pinning her to the wall of the bathroom stall.
     "H-Hey what are you doing! If a teacher walks in here we are dead," Astra whispered.
     "Then shut up," Yuri whispered right before melting into a passionate kiss with Astra.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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