Chapter 18 - Part 2

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He types a few things, clicking to a different screen. "Name?"

"Leeza Adler." Again his eyebrows lift up in surprise.

"Ms. Leeza? Are you sure? You two've been thick as thieves since I started working here, Ms. Cho..."

"Yes, Tony, I'm positive. Long story short, some things have happened recently, and some very concerning information has come to light." I stop, shaking my head.

Jae-sung continues for me. "This afternoon, Ms. Adler made a threat of possible harm to Ms. Cho that we feel needs to be taken seriously."

Tony presses his lips into a thin line as a frown draws his brows together. "That may explain earlier tonight then..." he muses, eyes a bit unfocused as he looks past me.

"What happened, Tony?" I ask as a frisson of alarm runs down my spine.

"When I came in for my shift, I saw Ms. Leeza sitting in the lobby, just watching the elevators. When I took Al's end of shift report, he said she'd been sitting there for over an hour, but hadn't approached the desk to sign in. She left shortly after I started at seven. I thought it was a bit odd, even for her."

I slowly turn, my gaze sweeping the empty chairs and windows, checking for her face, half expecting to see it. I look up at Jae-sung with wide eyes. "It seems that your question about how credible it could be has just been answered..."

The trembling begins and I take a shaky breath, trying to calm the panic starting. Officer LaRoux touches my arm gently, and I flinch.

"I'm sorry, Officer LaRoux, I didn't mean to do that," I apologize as I step closer to Jae-sung and face her. "Tony, did you sign Officer LaRoux in as a visitor yet?"

"Yes, Ms. Cho. She's good to go."

"Thank you. Please give my best to Emily when you see her in the morning... Please follow us, Officer..." I say, glancing at Tony with a sad smile, then at the officer in front of me before I turn and walk quickly to the elevators. Jae-sung's hand settles on my shoulder as I push the carriage call button a few times willing it to come faster.

"Deep breaths, little sister. Slow deep breaths..." I hear him say quietly, which I try. Getting on, I move to the back and away from the doors, Jae-sung on one side, hand still on my shoulder, with Officer LaRoux settling on the other side of me, but facing us from the side.

"Which floor, Ms. Cho?" she asks.

"Twenty-three, please."

We ride up in silence, my deep breaths the only sound echoing in the small space. I practically jump off the elevator as soon as the doors open, moving swiftly to the apartment door. I kick off my shoes while trying to slide the key into the lock, but I'm shaking so bad that I keep missing. Jae-sung's hands wrap around my hand, taking the keys and inserting it easily. As soon as he swings the door open, I'm kicking my shoes in and moving past them. I see Jimin sitting on the stool, nursing the beer. He sets it down quickly and stands as soon as he sees my face.

"Nae, what's wrong?" He doesn't even make it a step before I'm in his arms, my breathing heavy against his chest. "Jae-sung hyung? What happened?"

"We were just informed by security that Leeza was in the lobby earlier, just sitting and watching for over an hour..." Jae-sung says as he leads Officer LaRoux into the apartment, stepping close to us. "Little sister, remember, deep breaths."

Jimin's arms tighten around me as he hears the name Leeza, and I feel the panic start to recede a bit, and it's easier to try the deep breathing. He drops a kiss on top of my head, then lays his cheek there, breathing with me.

"Officer LaRoux, would you care for something to drink? Water, tea, coffee, or maybe a beer?" Jae-sung asks, moving into the kitchen.

"I'm still on the clock, otherwise I would take you up on the offer of the beer, I think. But tea would be lovely, Mr. Lee, if it's not too much trouble?" I hear her say.

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