Chapter 17

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The girls seemed to have warmed up to Teresa, Laura especially as she was cautious of her being a SHIELD agent. But after hearing how she wouldn't do anything to hurt her brother it put them all at ease that she could be trusted.

"Listen... I've loved catching up with you, but I'd better get back and report out discussion to Fury." She said sadly, wanting to spend some more time with her brother.

"Oh... okay. Hopefully I'll see you again soon." Peter said understanding her reluctance.

"Yea, I'll make sure of it. And don't worry, I'll visit May soon enough as well." Teresa said.

Peter smiled when she said that, it would be nice for the two of them to catch up again. They had only met the once a long time ago and hasn't been back since due to her work with the CIA, and now with SHILED.

"And I'd like to catch up with all of you too." She said addressing the four girls who were surprised by her statement.

"Us? Why?" Anya asked curiously.

"I would like to hear from you what my brother was like." She said with a cheeky smile.

"Yea, sounds great." Hope said.

"Alright then, I'll see you later." She said waving goodbye and heading into the elevator.

"I'll see you later Teresa." Peter said waving back.

The elevator door closed and the small sad expression on Teresa's face quickly shifted to the stone cold expression that was expected of an official agent of SHILED. The moment may have been sad but she was always ready to get back to work.

"So... that was your sister then?" Laura said.

"Yep. My one and only. I didn't know she was coming by... or that she was now working with SHIELD. But she's my sister, I wasn't going to turn her away." Peter said.

"Eh, she's fine with me. As long as she doesn't try anything." Laura warned.

"Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about that." He said as he patted her head lightly, something that got Laura to blush slightly at.

"So what are you doing today?" Asked Kamala.

"Nothing much for now, I'll need to contact Karla about her job and then things get a bit busy for me later on." He explained to their chagrin.

"Are you seriously going to work every day?" Laura questioned not wanting to spend her time loitering about because he's too busy working all the time.

"Hey I have a company to maintain." He tried to defend.

"Are you saying that you can't take a single day off to relax without your company falling apart?" She returned.

She was right, and Peter knew it. The company
Wouldn't fall apart just because he took a day off for himself, but the question remained on what he would do. He really didn't want to go out as Spider-Man again, but he did miss the crime fighting a little and with the girls here to help as well things would go a lot smoother.

"Okay... you win. I'll take a day. So what did you guys have in store?" He lamented.

"Yes!" Cheered Anya, Hope and Kamala. They wanted to spend some of their time with Peter too and not be cooped up in his office all day.

"Can we go out and kick some bad guy butt?" Asked an excited Anya.

"Sure, why not?" Peter agreed which got the three girls to cheer again.

"Let's get suited up and head into the city. I'll call Anna and have her take things over for a while." He said.

A while later

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