Ch 4: Introductions

Start from the beginning

Yumiko couldn't help but giggle at the strange human as he rambled on with her. Finally, when she saw an opening to speak she introduced herself as well.

"Thank you mr Ryumura! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your time as a guide. You're into achery? I would love to see what your club has to offer some time? I admit my skills aren't great, but I very much enjoyed learning to use a bow when I was younger!"

Shuichi watched with a genuine smile as she interacted with his classmate, truly grateful for Kenji's happy-go-lucky nature. The boy's antics were helping to keep the girl blissfully unaware of the glares she was receiving from around the room as they walked in.

He cast a glance over the faces of his classmates, and felt an sense of unease as his eyes landed on three girls in particular in the back of the room.

Jinkuri Saiko, Kimiko Ryumura, and Kaoru Hanaki, were all glaring daggers at the girl. Those three, he knew would be the most likely to cause issues. Jinkuri was already on academic probation after causing such a scene with the previous transfer student, that the poor girl had refused to return to the school, and transferred home shortly after. It was all because the girl had dared to ask Shuichi to be her partner for a lab project.

He shot the girl a look, and she pointedly looked away, pretending to study something in her notebook. A laugh rang out beside him and he turned to see Yumiko's face reddening as she giggled at whatever Kenji had just told her. A glance at the young boy revealed a very mischievous gleam to his eye, and Shuichi felt a moment of concern as he addressed them.

"Is something amusing, Kenji?"

The boy looked away red-faced and covered his mouth to hide the snickers.

Yumiko wiped her eyes as she looked up at him, the depiction innocence as she responded for the boy.

"Oh, it's nothing Shuichi! Kenji just pointed out how your hair looks like a fox tail from behind!" She giggled again. He turned a bit red-faced, earning several quiet gasps from the students gathered in the room.

"W-well, I suppose it does, doesn't it?" He chuckled slightly, unnerved at how easily this little fox was able to break through his calm veil, without really even trying to. That impish look in her blue-green eyes as she grinned at him, knowing full well the joke Kenji couldn't understand, caused his face to flush and he turned away quickly, heading towards his seat by the window.

"Anyways, your seat is actually next to mine, you should get settled in! Class should be starting shortly."


Jinkuri stared in disbelief as her beloved Shuichi laughed with this new little tramp! Who the hell did she think she was??? Day one and she was already flirting with HER Shuichi? She couldn't allow it... She wouldn't stand for it!! Already a plan was forming in the back of her mind, and she would make sure this little bitch regretted even speaking to what belonged to her!!

Kaoru watched Jinkuri nervously as the girl bent her pencil nearly to the snapping point. She had seen the girl like this before, and in all honesty was only friends with her so that rage wouldn't be turned upon herself. If truth be told, she was more annoyed with how easily the new girl talked to Kenji than with mr. Minamino. Still, seeing the look in Jinkuri's eyes, it was clear things would not end well for the girl...


The teacher soon arrived, and brought everyone's attention to the front to begin the class. Once things had quieted, she called on Yumiko to stand and present herself to her classmates.

With a small gulp, and a glance to Shuichi, who gave her a nod of encouragement, she rose to her feet and crossed to the front of the classroom. She tried to ignore the glares coming from several of the female students, and strange looks coming from the males, and focused on Shuichi as she bowed.

"H-hello, my name is Yumiko Sayo, I'm almost sixteen, and I enjoy gardening, reading, and camping when the weather is nice." She repeated the greeting she had practiced a dozen times Mako.

"Very good miss Sayo, you may take your seat." The teacher placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and she nodded before moving back to her desk.
"Alright, we'll be starting with a pop quiz to see where you all stand before moving forwards in maths..."


To Yumiko's surprise, her first day was flying by with relative ease. It was lunch time now, and several of the students were leaving for the cafeteria, or to eat with friends in other classrooms. The little fox was perfectly content to eat where she was, when a lilting voice called her name.

"You're the new girl right? Why don't you come eat with us?" Asked a girl with waist length raven hair, and deep green eyes.

"Yeah, we were going to go eat on the roof, doesn't that sound fun?" A girl who looked remarkably like a female Kenji added in.

Yumiko noticed a third girl standing slightly behind the other two who was staring at her feet, but she didn't speak up. She grinned, and was about to agree when Shuichi placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. To her surprise, the girl who had asked her first looked utterly enraged for the slightest of moments, before throwing back on her facade.

"I'm sorry Jinkuri, but miss Sayo has already promised to eat lunch with me today. I'm sure you can understand..."

The little fox looked up to him strangely, shocked by the way he spoke to this girl. His words and tone were polite as ever, but there was something sinister in the way he watched the raven haired student as he moved to stand between her and Yumi.

"Besides, I believe the dean was looking for you."

The three girls paled at the mention of the dean, and scurried out of the classroom without another word.

"What was that all about?" She asked as he drew his desk next to hers to form a table for their lunch.

"Nothing to concern yourself with. Jinkuri is considered a bit of a beauty at this school, but I am sad to say she can be quite cruel when given the chance. It would be wise not to be caught alone with her."

Yumiko thought on that as she dug out her bento and lifted the lid. The moment it was off however, all other thought was forgotten.

Shuichi noticed the sudden scowl on the young girl's face and couldn't help but look down at the box. He choked on his own food, and had to cover his mouth as a mixture of coughs and snorts of laugher erupted from him at the sight.

There were little cat and ducky shaped onigiri, with ridiculous faces drawn on in sea weed and soy sauce, as well as octopus shaped hot dogs, and the most ridiculous cat shaped omelet the girl had ever seen! In a word, every item in her box... was cute, and looked like something a first year primary student might eat...

'I'm gonna kill that cat...'

A lot of absolute adorableness from our little Yumi in this chapter! Kurama's in trouble already! How is the ever so calm and collected fox supposed to handle an entire semester with this little firebrand, when every time he turns around there goes his composure?]

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