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17 - the threat

Meeting Edward's family had been a success, so much so they had invited me to join them that evening for a round of baseball

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Meeting Edward's family had been a success, so much so they had invited me to join them that evening for a round of baseball. I declined, partially because I was feeling lazy and but the main reason was due to the pile of homework that was due on Monday waiting for me. I spent the evening, instead, talking to Teresa on the phone about the afternoon with the Cullens and the sheer size of their house, while tackling my school assignments.

"Good morning." I greet Edward, he hadn't picked me up this morning. I wasn't mad, a little pissed since he'd failed to communicate that with me, but I shrugged it off.

"Morning." His stare was focused out of the classroom window into the lush forest that surrounded the north side of the school. He was watching for something invisible.

"Is everything alright?" Maybe I was the issue, had I somehow offended him by declining his invitation to play ball? Was his family lying through their teeth to me and actually disapproving of me?

"Yeah, yeah. It's nothing." He snaps away from the window and forces a smile towards me. "How'd you sleep?"

"Eh, I have to turn that essay in today and I'm worried Mr. Mason will hate it. He thinks I have wild ideologies. It affected my sleep." I shrug, if he decides to tell me what's going on then that's fine. There will be no pushing on my part for information, if he has his reasons then they're there for a reason.

"Mr. Mason would be insane to give you a bad grade. You're writing is impeccable." Even his compliment sounds off as he runs his hands through my dark hair.

My nerves continue to stay high as Edward spends the rest of the class with his eyes on the windows, except for the time that Mr. Varner asked him to answer a question. It's unsettling to see him like this, especially since he's been sitting so still, not moving, forgetting to shift like a human would. He's posed like a corpse. Maybe if he won't tell me the truth, Alice will. Although that seems rude, I'm bothered by his behavior.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"A group of traveling vampires came across us while we were playing yesterday. Edward's worried that one of them is hanging around, there was something that tipped Edward off. Not a definite thought, but a curiosity in us, our diet, our lifestyle." Alice whispers to me as we walk to the gym, avoiding any prying ears. "He probably's acting weird and not saying anything because he doesn't want to upset you. Oops, I guess I shouldn't have said anything."

"If he decides to be even more upset, he can be upset at me. I asked after all." I assure Alice as we change. "And you haven't seen anything, any vision to tell you otherwise?"

"No, I haven't been able to. He's in my blind spot, undecided." Alice says with remorse. "I wish he'd make up his mind so can I see if we're in the clear or not."

"So, what's the big deal about this guy? Is he abnormally dangerous or something?" I ask, shoving my feet into my tight running shoes, I'm in need of new ones.

"He's what we call a tracker, he's got a special love for the hunt that none of us do. Carefully chooses each of his victims, the harder to get, the better for him. It's less of hunting to survive and more of hunting for game." Alice explains. "I'll get a pair of running shoes bought for you."

"I'm not going to feel guilty about that, your family is rich," I say as we walk out of the lockers.

"I'll see you at lunch!" She bids me farewell as I walk out, heading to join the rest of my team.

Outside in the windy air as we warm up and practice I keep glancing out to the woods. Wondering if I'll spot the invisible vampire Edward's been watching for, the one Alice warned me of. Was I in danger because of him? She said he hunted like it was a game, going after those who were hard to reach, and being surrounded by vampires would make me an interesting hunt.

No, I tell myself, you can't think about that. Focus on Coach Grane's lecture. I'm safe, the tracker couldn't possibly know I'm hanging around a group of vampires, right?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I can't believe Alice told you." Edward throws his head back, groaning and realizing Alice tells me almost anything I ask for.

"Well, you wouldn't tell me and I was worried." I remind him. We're sitting on the back porch of my house, Edward kicks at the ground, pushing the bench swing back and forth. My body and brain are exhausted from the long day of testing. At least I'd be excused from testing on Wednesday. "Don't be mad at her."

"I'm not." He lies. Clearly, he's wishing that I'd kept a lid on my curiosity and Alice hadn't betrayed his trust.

"It's not a big deal, okay? I get you were trying not to worry me, but I'm fine. We're fine." I lean into his neck, closing my eyes and breathing in his scent. He flinches under my movement but makes no attempt to leave, instead bowing his head and pressing his cheek into mine. "You don't have to worry about me."

"You say that, but I'm constantly worried you're going to do something outrageous." I giggle at his sentence, Edward's referring to my interesting choice of hobby.

"Cliff diving is perfectly safe, Edward. I've never even cut my foot open on a rock or anything." I assure him, still laughing to myself. "I should take Emmett with me sometime, I bet he'd love to."

"No, Heather! God, you're insane." He sighs, moving to stare at me disapprovingly. We're so close, I can feel his cold breath against my flesh. Blush pooling into my cheeks because of our proximity. "You're so beautiful, you know that?"

Despite telling myself to take things slowly, I close the gap between us. Forcing my mouth against his, ignoring the shock when Edward's icy lips hit mine. We melt into the embrace, moving and touching with ease. Only pulling away so I can cough out his breath.

"Was I that bad?" He asks with concern, I heave out another cough, gesturing for him to wait.

"No, it's just sucking in all the cold. You were great, amazing." I tell him, smiling fully.

"I've never-" His head snaps out towards the woods behind my house. "Oh my god, I'm so stupid. We need to go."

"What? What?" I search the dark trees, it's hard to see anything with twilight falling. But I'm certain I see sudden movement, alerting all my senses.

"It's the tracker."

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