Their bodies intertwined, their passion igniting once again as they lost themselves in each other. Clothes were shed, kisses were exchanged, and the air was filled with the sounds of their desperate lovemaking.

Ares: (grunting) "You drive me mad, Y/N."

Y/N: (moaning) "Ares, please..."

Their movements were urgent, fueled by their forbidden love and the imminent danger of their situation. Y/N surrendered to the pleasure that Ares brought him, and Ares was entranced by Y/N's moans and gasps, completely lost in the moment.

As their bodies moved in perfect harmony, Y/N's mind raced with conflicting emotions. He knew that their love was forbidden, that it could change the course of the war and bring consequences they couldn't even imagine. But in that moment, all he could think of was Ares, the god of war who had captured his heart.

Ares: (breathlessly) "Y/N, I can't get enough of you."

Y/N: (whispering) "I feel the same, Ares."

Their bodies reached the peak of pleasure together, and they rode the waves of ecstasy, clinging to each other as they found solace in each other's embrace. Afterward, they lay tangled in each other's arms, their breathing gradually slowing down.

Ares: (trailing kisses along Y/N's shoulder) "We can't keep doing this, Y/N. It's too dangerous."

Y/N: (sighing) "I know, but I can't help how I feel about you, Ares."

Ares: (cupping Y/N's face) "Nor can I, Y/N."

Their foreheads touched, and they shared a bittersweet moment of intimacy, knowing that their love was forbidden but unable to deny their feelings for each other.

Days turned into weeks, and their secret romance continued to blossom amidst the chaos of the war. They stole moments together whenever they could, their love growing deeper with each passing day. But their luck ran out when one of Ares' lieutenants stumbled upon them during one of their clandestine meetings.

Lieutenant: (drawing his sword) "Ares, what is the meaning of this?"

Ares: (stepping in front of Y/N) "Stand down, lieutenant. This is none of your concern."

Lieutenant: (eyeing Y/N with suspicion) "He's a prisoner, Ares! You're fraternizing with the enemy!"

Ares: (defiantly) "He's more than just a prisoner to me."

The lieutenant hesitated, torn between his loyalty to Ares and the rules of war. But before he could make a decision, a group of enemy soldiers attacked, catching them off guard.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Y/N and Ares fought side by side, their skills complementing each other perfectly. They moved as one, their bond transcending the battlefield, and they emerged victorious.

After the battle, Y/N and Ares stood together, bloodied but victorious. The lieutenant approached them, his expression conflicted.

Lieutenant: (lowering his sword) "I won't report what I saw today, Ares. But this cannot continue. It's too risky."

Ares: (nodding) "Understood."

With a heavy heart, Ares dismissed the lieutenant, and he turned to Y/N, his eyes filled with concern.

Ares: "He's right, Y/N. Our love is putting both of us in danger."

Y/N: (squeezing Ares' hand) "I know, but I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Ares: (cupping Y/N's face) "Nor can I. But we must be cautious. I won't let anything happen to you."

Their love was tested in the coming days as the war raged on. They kept their meetings secret, stealing moments of passion and tenderness whenever they could. But their actions did not go unnoticed. Ares' enemies, both mortal and immortal, were suspicious of his distracted state and began to investigate.

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