There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)

Start from the beginning

PoH: Hey boss, let me in on this. 

Gabriel: No this OP's about to wind down. Just sit back and watch. 

Kirito and Asuna ran into running 2 and the 2 others. One fired a grenade but Sinon shot it out of mid-air. Kirito was cutting through bullets like a hot knife through butter and so was Asuna. Kirito ran at and killed one by cutting them in half while Asuna ran at the other. The other guy threw a smoke grenade and stopped Asuna. Kirito and Asuna were back to back and were listening and waiting. Once the smoke cleared and the rest were gone. 

Gabriel: *checks alarm* Well that's the end of that. *ends alarm* All teams retreat, grid 1-9 is too hot. 

PoH: *flicks away cigarette* We could have killed them all if we stuck with it. You sure you want to- *realization* Wait, where's the other one? 

Gabriel: What do you mean? 

PoH: There's one more dangerous than the others. Where is-

I snuck up on PoH and stabbed him in the back with one of my hidden blades. Gabriel turned around and before he could even react I slit his throat with my other hidden blade and took his earpiece. I put it into my other ear and I talked into it. 

(y/n): Gentlemen.  

Rando 1: Who's this, where's the team leader? 

(y/n): I'll answer those questions for you. Firstly I'll keep my name a secret but you can just call me Assassin. As for your team leader, he's dead. 

Rando 2: What! 

Rando 3: The Assassin! 

(y/n): *chuckles* Yeah. So here's what's going to happen. I'll give you all 2 choices, you surrender and give up or 2, you can continue to run and try to make it to Glocken but you won't make it because my team and I will hunt you down. You choose.

Rando 3: Let's get out of here! 

Rando 1: Yeah! 

(y/n): *chuckles* Go ahead. Run for it! Makes it more fun for me. 

I rip the other earpiece out and destroyed it. I started telling the others where they were while I went after the biggest group. I take off and started tracking them down. After 5 minutes I found them and started stalking them. They were walking while looking out for me. 

Kirito: *earpiece* We've dealt with the ones on our end. 

Liz: Same here. 

(y/n): Good. Mines just left then. 

Kirito: Yeah. 

(y/n): Give me a minute. 

I jump down and let them see me. A couple of them are just about to shit themselves, I slowly draw my sword. They all start firing at me and I just cut all their bullets. One launches a grenade at me and I cut it in half while it was in mid-air. The grenade exploded but I didn't get hurt and the area around me was on fire but I wasn't affected. 


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