"YOU!" Peter said surprised.
The woman looked at him startled, she wasn't expecting that kind of reaction when he saw her. From the way he reacted it seemed as though he recognised her but she couldn't tell from where or when that was.
"Why are you here?" Peter questioned her.
"I... I wanted to talk to you." She answered, caught off guard by his aggressive tone.
"Talk to me? What for?" He inquired further, not fully trusting her intentions.
"Well I..." she began before stopping and looking around her. "I wanted to talk in private." She said lowly.
Peter wasn't too happy with the suggestion never mind her very presence in the building, but he decided that letting her speak would get her out of the building faster than trying to force her out. Considering forcing her out could cause a serious confrontation which would require the presence of his alter-ego.
"Fine. Over here." He agreed, leading over to one of the empty offices that were in the lobby.
They both entered the room and Peter quickly closed the shutters around the room so they had complete privacy and then locked the door so they weren't interrupted.
"Okay. We're alone. What do you want?" He asked a bit agitated.
"I... I... want a job." She said.
"A job?" He repeated in shock.
Did he hear her right, she was looking a job... here... from him. She couldn't be serious, even if she didn't know his identity as Spider-Man she knew that her reputation wouldn't be a shining star. The analogy wasn't lost on him.
"Yes. A job." She repeated.
"You can't be serious. There's no way I could give you a job, not after everything you've done in the past." He said in disbelief.
"Please. There's no one who would even consider giving me a job anywhere with my... shaded past... but you're different." She pleaded.
"Different? Different how?" He asked suspiciously.
"Well... from what I've heard, you're a kind person. Someone who doesn't judge people on their shortcomings, to give people a chance, to give someone like me a second chance at living a better life." She said honestly.
Peter would be remissed if that wasn't entirely true, he always tried to be kind to others, if the situation allowed for it anyway or circumstances change, and he wouldn't normally judge someone for their past mistakes as long as they were excusable. But he couldn't see how she could qualify for any of these.
"That... may be true, but given your assorted past it may not be a good idea for me to employ you." He said sadly.
"I... I understand. Sorry for wasting any of your time." She apologised as she made her way to the door.
"May I ask?" He said before she could unlock it.
"Why are you looking for a job anyway?" He asked curiously.
"Well... after the whole Thunderbolts thing I saw how truly evil Norman Osborn was. I didn't want anything to do with him or the rest of them so I sort of went out on my own for a while. I realised I wasn't the best person before and I wanted a fresh start... but with my past, as you've said... made things considerably difficult for me." She revealed genuinely.
Peter analysed everything she had to say and she seemed genuinely interested in starting over, but he still had to decide if giving her that second chance was worth the risk in his or his company's perception.
"Wait!" He said as she unlocked the door.
"I can't make any promises... but you're right, normally I would help, especially if that someone was a reformed criminal who wants to start anew. So let me mull it over for a bit, then I'll let you know my final decision." He said much to her delight.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." She said as she went over and gave him a tight hug.
"I'll uh... need a way to contact you." He said trying to separate from the hug.
"Oh right. Here's my number, call me." She gave him her personal number before walking back to the door. "See ya then." She waved as she opened the door and proceeded to leave.
Peter left the office right after her and let out a deep sigh, one he hoped was not full of regret, and went to go back to the elevator.
"Mr. Parker. Is everything okay?" The receptionist asked seeing his slumped posture and tired expression.
"Huh. Yea, just exhausted that's all." He said.
"Was it anything to do with that woman that just left, uhh... Dr... Sophien, right? What did she want anyway?" She asked him curiously.
"She uhh... she wanted a job. But I don't know if I can hire her." He said honestly.
"A job? Really?" She said unenthusiastically.
"Yea. Really." He answered with a shrug.
"And... why did she ask you for a job here?" She continued.
"She uhh... had a rough past... thinks it's going to be difficult for her to get a job anywhere. But... I'm not so ready to kick her out, even if it means giving her a chance to start again." Peter admitted.
"Well... that is unfortunate for her, and rather sweet of you. But... and I may be overstepping... but are you sure you want her around? If she has as bad a past as you say then hiring her could be a problem." She said honestly.
"Yea, I know all that. That's why I didn't promise her anything, only that I'd think over it." He responded. "I've got to get back up there so I'll see you later." He waved off his receptionist before getting back in the elevator and going back up to his office.
Peter stepped out of the elevator only to be greeted by the anxiously waiting girls in the office.
"So... how was it?" Asked Anya.
"Who was it?" Kamala asked.
"It's okay. Everything went fine." Peter said, answering Anyas question.
"So, who was it then? Was it Carol?" Kamala asked again wanting to know if her former mentor came here.
"No... it wasn't Carol." Peter answered one part of her question.
"So who was it then?" Kamala asked once more.
"It was... Karla Sofen." Peter revealed.
"MOONSTONE!" Kamala shouted in shock.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.