ch1: burns

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Alr before I start I just wanna say that Holden is bi and Jayce is full homo but both are closeted. Also Halie is lesbian and Alexander is Aromantic.

TW: swear words, yelling, bad mother figure, abuse, mentions of being drunk

3rd pov:

The sudden yell from downstairs is what woke Holden up. He knew his mother was yelling at Ray for something and, most likely, Ray yelled back. He groaned looking at his phone seeing at was only a few minutes before his alarm would've gone off. He sat up and starched popping his back before getting up.

He grabbed some jeans, a white shirt, and a blue sweatshirt to go over it. He slipped on a silver chain and a shell necklace also grabbing a few bracelets form his nightstand before unplugging his phone and turning his alarm off. He pit socks on and walked to his bedroom door grabbing his airport that had been charging and a pair of Converse since he didn't have practice today luckily.

He put in his airpods before opening his door and walking to the kitchen to see his mother yelling at his sister who was unfazed.
"You are so umature for your age Freya. You really should know better than to get DRUNK AND SNEAK OUT!" MY mother yelled slamming her hands on the island that sperated the two.
"Not my fault you got pregnant at 15 and never cared enough to tell me not to." Ray said rolling her eyes at my mother who looked pissed. My mom sighed and looked at my sister.
"Arm. Now." She said grabbing a lighter from the drawer. Freya's eyes widened but she obeyed. He didn't want to look at what he saw almost weekly so he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair. And so he did that while turning his music up. Penelope Scott playing loudly in his ears. He sighed and looked at his face. Slight eye bags but nothing too bad and a small burn mark on his temple, which he quickly hid with his hair.

He checked the time, 7:46. He walked out of the bathroom to the front door grabbing his keys and backpack before leaving. His sister soon followed.
"Don't get in too much trouble, Leo." Holdens sister said messing up his hair and walking to her car. He flipped her off before getting in his car and driving to school. We really should just use one car since we are going to the same place. He though, quickly before shrugging and continuing to drive.

Pulling into the schools parking lot, Holden grabbed his bag and parked his car. Quickly trying to get to first period before the bell rang,he and his sister had a tendency to be late or missing from class.

He walked through the door a minute before the bell rang.
"Hey dumbass, do you have your homework?" Asked Halie, one of his best friends.
"Yeah I do, what, do you need to copy it down or something?" He asked. She looked offended and grasped overdramtically.
"How dare you make such a vulgar comment to me! Your own mest maiden!" She spoke out in a fake British accent fake fainting over her desk. I rolled my eyes and turned to the front of the class when the teacher walked in.
"Alright class toda-"

He zoned out. What did his sister do last night other than what she normally did? Freya was the troublesome kid while Holden was more attuned to being good, though he had his own spurts of trouble. Holden wondered if maybe the cops were called, or she got into something else? Whatever it was, he knew he didn't like how his mother handled it. He hated calling that woman his mother, Freya raised him, yet she took the credit. He always hated seeing Ray get in trouble. She always got a punishment that was worse than what she did, which was normally sneaking out, partying, drinking, smoking, or ever so often fuck someone. Her punishments were always physical. Like a slap, or burn. Rarely was she ever mentally punished.

I guess his mother saves it for him when he gets into trouble. She always like to play victim, so, she always says the most accusatory things and blames herself in a way that travels back to him. He learned to not care, or listen to what she had to say and just nod and apologize. And with is father never being home, and when he is home he is still working and never notices Holden or his sister.

His tramce was broken by the bell. He hated second period since it was English. He hated English, it was was too boring or challenging. He braced himself for the worst and walked out of class.

Alr honies that was chapter one. We love torturing the main characters🤪 also we love Holdens sister, I made her so she was just likeable but y'all see that later... anyways bye lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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