Chapter 3: So will you accept?

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Sorry this took forever i don't think any of you like this so I might discontinue it idk but that's all I needed to say I'll let you start the chapter!

Sabitos POV
When the master spoke he sounded calm all the hashira listened to him until he let them speak of course he wasn't interrupted because well he's the master all the hashira looked calm but I could see through giyuus facade I knew he was nervous he just didn't want to show it I know he has faith in me but he still looked a little scared I hope he's not scared of me but if he was he would've killed me when he saw me I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard giyuus name be called what was said next sent shivers down my spine not of fear but of anger what the master said made me angry

(Nothing that is about to happen right now is nothing related to how the master actually acts I'm just making it like this cause it's better to me)

Oyokata-sama: Tomioka giyuu you a hashira are attempting to save yet another "good demon?"

Giyuu: Yes master

Oyokata-sama: What relationship do you have with this thing?

Thing?! Who did he think he was talking about I mean sure my hair was really long but it wasn't as long as giyuus so there's absolutely no way he doesn't know my gender!

Giyuu: Master may you please refrain from calling him a thing

Oyokata-sama: I'll call him what I wish. And you still have not answered my question what is this thing to you?

Giyuu stayed quiet he didn't talk I didn't want him to either I didn't want anyone to get mad at him for dating me he told me everything would be ok so that's what I believed but I'm sure he was only saying that so I wouldn't freak out anymore or he was saying it to reassure himself but I don't know that's air was so thick you could cut it with a knife all the others hashira were darting their eyes from me to giyuu I knew what they wanted to hear but I wasn't going to say anything unless giyuu wanted me to giyuu finally spoke after what felt like hours.

Giyuu: He's my lover we trained under the same master before final selection when we went to final selection he died or so I thought I didn't know he had become a demon until my recent mission.

All the hashiras said the same thing at the same time.

All hashira: LOVER!?!?!

Oyokata-sama:Settle down now giyuu say that again

Giyuu: he's my lover and i would never leave him ever!

Oyokata-sama: Lover? I see so are positive he won't hurt a human?

Giyuu: I'm positive! But....if he fails the trial which I have faith he won't I will commit seppuku...

All the hashira were schocked and so was I.
I didn't want giyuu to put his life on the line for me I was scared about failing the trial already if I had known his life was on the line I would have just made him kill me by attacking him but it's to late by the look on the masters face he's not shocked or surprised if anything he looks happy why I don't know but if I find out and it's something bad I might just kill him myself giyuu started speaking again I was scared of what might come out his mouth every time he spoke it was something shocking but before giyuu could speak the master interrupted him.

Oyokata-sama: Giyuu you already have your life on the line for another demon the kamado girl now you want to save this thing here?

Giyuu: Yes yes I do! And he is not a thing so stop calling him that!

Giyuu was pretty good at hiding his emotions I could tell from how he looked when I saw him again I wondered why but I guess when you lose your sister and first love you tend to disconnect from other people not wanting to make new friends giyuu doesn't know this but I was looking for him ever since I became a demon I found him a week earlier but I didn't speak to him because that'd be really weird to have your boyfriend show up out of literally no where as a demon I'm pretty sure he'd kill me with hesitation but he's a hashira so he has to but that's way off topic I was zoned out for a while because the trial was starting it was night so I was of course able to be out.

Sanemi: Hurry up you piece of shit!

Sabito: Are you talking to me?

Sanemi: I don't see another demon on trial here!

Sabito: Don't call me shit when you exist!

Sanemi: Loner I'll kill him even before his trial!

Giyuu: You do and I'll stab you so hard that even your dead demon mom can feel it!


Giyuu: Nothing to say now you rat?

Oyokata-sama: Start the trial we don't have all day

Sanemi: Yes master

Shinazugawa cut his arm and once he did my mouth started watering i wanted to eat him but I couldn't I knew I had to live or giyuu died I want to be with him forever so I used all my strength and turned my head away they all looked surprised but the master looked mad maybe he wanted me and giyuu to die why I don't know but that's what I'm thinking but I'm not sure.

Oyokata-sama: I suppose since this thing passed the trial he can live but you know what happens if he eats anyone

Giyuu: Yes master I do!

Oyokata-sama: Fine then your all free to leave!

Everyone: Yea master!

Giyuu and me just left since there was nothing else for us to do I mean from the looks of it none of the other hashira seem to like giyuu so we had literally no reason to stay we weren't really welcomed someone yelled giyuus name it was the wind flame and sound hashira.

Uzui: Hey my flashy friend may we talk?

Rengoku: Yes we would like to talk!

Sanemi: Yeah we just need to talk to you about something

Giyuu: Is it something bad? And since when do you guys voluntarily talk to me in public?

Uzui: We just wanna apologize for not being very helpful during the trial we didn't even try to make you feel comfortable.

Giyuu: Oh its ok I'm not mad it's normal for people to make me feel uncomfortable. And not help me I mean who would?

Rengoku: Tomioka that's not how people are supposed to be treated and we wanna make it up to you!

Giyuu: How ever do you plan to do that?

Sanemi: By being your friend but we can only apologize if you accept so will you accept?

Sabigiyuu~I need you~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin