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15 - the sunlight

"I thought we were hiking?" I question, opening the door to reveal Edward

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"I thought we were hiking?" I question, opening the door to reveal Edward. He isn't dressed like we're about to go hiking, he's in a beige sweater with a collared shirt underneath and khakis. "You're dressed like we're going to church."

"This is my hiking attire." He informs me.

"You don't want a hoodie? Or a baseball cap?" I feel very weird at the thought of him hiking in khakis. Especially when his hiking partner, me, is in shorts, my track crewneck, and hiking boots. We look like we're about to attend completely different events. "Something to make me not feel so weird hiking with you."

"Is there something wrong with it?" He asks as I walk down the pathway to his car.

"Edward, I don't know anyone who hikes in a button-down and khakis. You aren't exactly looking part." I explain in his car. "And where are we going, anyways? You didn't lie about us hiking, did you?"


"Um, a bit." I admit. "I'm going to the middle of nowhere with a vampire."

"Right, sorry." He apologizes, turning his eyes back to the road. We continue the drive in silence, I had only woken up an hour before, and am still utterly exhausted. My thermos of coffee was already almost out in my attempt to wake up. But, probably once we are out on the trail, chugging away my body and brain will come to.

"Sleep well?" Edward asks, aware of my drowsy state.


We've left town, brilliant shades of green engulfing my vision from the clustered trees and ferns. The forest is far more awake than I am this morning. I'm almost envious of them.

"What'd you do last night?" I question, we've turned down another road, I didn't get a good look at the sign for it, with Edward's speeding I can hardly focus on anything before it's gone again.

"Hunted." My stomach churns, I know it's his own food, but there's still something a little unsettling about it.

"You should find that animal that killed those two people." I suggest, he doesn't respond and that makes my stomach continue to twist and knot. "What? That wasn't you or your family, was it?"

"No! I told you we don't do that." He defends himself, setting his jaw and letting his eyes flicker between me and the road deciding on some thought. "It was other vampires."

"What?" My eyes widen, the idea of Forks being a vampire hotspot is not a comforting thought. One family of vegetarian vampires is already one too many.

"Don't worry, they won't get too close to Forks." We're on a thin, bumpy road, the trees are almost smacking the side mirrors of the Volvo. "Most vampires are nomads, they never stick in an area longer than a month or so."

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