Obsession with Music

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My mama always said it's polite to introduce ones self before anything so... My name is Y/N, I'm from Mascot, Tennessee and I'm 26. My favorite instrument(s) is obviously the guitar, but I never turn down the chance to learn a new instrument.

 Some would say I'm musically inclined, but I think it's an obsession at this point...

I don't remember when I first developed a love for music... I remember the snappy sound of a snare drum, the pounding in my chest from the bass in an R&B song, the twang of an acoustic guitar in a country song... but I guess the time when I realized I wanted this as a career was when my best friend, Chance Scott, blindly signed me up to sing at a bar in my hometown.

I remember the waves of nerves that hit me, like a wave smacks into a cliffside, when the DJ said my name... I instantly felt nauseous and my hands were clammy. I shot Chance, a look that could kill. I shouted "Dude what the fuck... why would you sign me up to sing, you know how i am with crowds." He shouted back "If I didn't sign you up you wouldn't have done it." I nodded because he was absolutely right.

Now let me clear the air, I have social anxiety and those that have it know how bad it is to talk to a set of strangers... let alone sing in front of a fully packed bar.

I got up out of my seat, weaving in and out of people's way making my way to the DJ, I shit you not, I was sweating bullets. When I got up to the little makeshift stage, I realized Chance never told me what fucking song I was singing. I turned to the Karaoke DJ, I think her name was Rose and asked "What song did he sign me up for? He never told me..." and gave her a slight smile... Rose handed me a microphone and told me the song was Blue Ain't Your Color by Keith Urban. When I heard what song he picked which happened to be my favorite song, I was glad he ain't give me some stupid ass song like Barbie Girl by Aqua... trust me Chance is a class clown type of goofball.

I took my place by the monitor and gave Rose a nod that I was ready. I didn't have to look at the screen for the lyrics because I knew them by heart. When the song started and I closed my eyes and sang, the whole bar, which had like 30-40 patrons in it, got very quiet. Minus a few who were there to drink, ya know the regulars of the bar, who could care less about the karaoke.

I immediately opened my eyes to see what was going on... Nothing was wrong, which made me extremely confused, but then I realized they were all listening to me sing my heart out. I shot Chance a confused look because he was recording me singing. I scanned the bar as well and realized most of them were also recording. My anxiety was nonexistent, it was a strange feeling, but I absolutely loved it.

Before I knew it the song was over, I handed Rose the microphone back and thanked her. As I stepped off the makeshift stage, the whole bar erupted into cheers and claps, making me smile. Chance shot off his bar stool and gave me a hug. He said, "Dude! I knew you could sing... but I ain't know you had a voice like that!" I hugged him back, laughed and said, "You gave me my favorite song, you think I wasn't gonna sing my heart out?" He yelled out to me, as I was headed to the bar to pay our tab, "Y/N the whole bar got silent when you started singing, even Mr. Johnson, the loudest one in here!" I laughed loudly and continued to the bar, everyone was patting me on my back, still hooting and hollerin' about how good I did.

I reached the bar and flagged down the bartender, Jess, and asked to close out my tab, which wasn't much cause I rode my motorcycle here. She replied with "Someone paid it for you, I'm not sure who, it's pretty busy in here, but I'm not surprised someone did after a performance like that Y/N!" I replied with "Wow... wasn't expecting that, thanks Jess!  It was nice seeing you again! Have a good night!" After she walked away I slipped a 50$ in the tip jar... Me and Jess are really good friends, have been since grade school. She hates when I leave tips, so I sneak them when she's not paying attention.

I walked back to Chance and I's table. I tapped him on the shoulder and told him I was leaving and that I had fun tonight. He hopped off his barstool and gave me a hug and told me he would see me tomorrow. I made my way to the door and exited the bar. As I was walking to my motorcycle, I was still curious as to who paid my tab... I wish Jess remembered who it was..

My first chapter in my first book?! Im excited y'all... leave some feedback please?

Thank you!

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