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Jack's POV

'I have to get away!' I thought and I jumped up, runed out of the classroom into the woods. I have still that smell in my nose, I had to eat something. "goddam'n it.." I mumbled, I take a deep breath and walked back to the school building. But before I entered the building I smelled it again. 'Did she follow me?!?!' I quickly hide in the bushes nearby.

Readers POV

The boy who sat in front of me just a second ago now rushed out the door. No one followed him, not even his friends! I sigh and decide to follow him. I walked outside and then I heard something move in the bushes. "hello? come out." I walked slowly toward the bushes. "Don't be afraid, I know it's hard the first day."

Jack's POV

I saw her, she just stood there. She was even more beautiful from this close. 'Gosh... don't be stupid.. walk away.' I thought, but she did the reverse, she came closer. 'Is she suicidal or just dumb!!' The smell got unbearable but then she spoke. And dam'n! She has the voice of a angel. My head hurts it was like there was a war inside it. I could kill her easily, there was no one around. But a other side of me told me I shouldn't do that. 'I'm gonna regret this..' I jumped out the bushes and onto her, I landed on her and we both fell on the ground.

Eyeless Jack x [Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now