the feels

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summer youth skin and a sunshine smile
of a boy who had kaleidoscope to flutter
for his pristine heart was calm water
that the nobleman cut through with his eyes;
shallow as it was first seen
but deeper as time went by—
it was something he couldn't fathom
as he starts to fantasize.

fine as wine was the one he adored
and his hands he wished to hold—
anyone can be pissed for him so cold
but the noble was the chink in boy's armor;
bolder he was to sneak in
to the room to meet his eyes—
but weaker he later became
as he starts to realize.

the castle he built—
he watched it burn
with a feeling of guilt
for his own heart he hurt;
for being a fool's
a mistake he'd learned—
never he'd the feels since then
as he feared to be spurned.

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