Eddie turns into a girl but only his body changes

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Eddie and Dustin were hanging out at the trailer park listening to music. Dustin through he would hang with Eddie to see what his house was like inside. "Wow Eddie your place is so cool" said Dustin looking around the place. "Like it this is where me and my uncle live and where I grew up in" replied Eddie "well if I were to bring mike here we could play dungeons & dragons here every weekend." Dustin said " well better ask him on Monday" Eddie advised "Okay Then" Dustin said exactly "ya thirsty?"eddie asked "yes I am." Eddie said feeling his throat a bit soar. "Well here's some soda I got drink down the hatch my Goodman"said Eddie picking some soda cans from the fridge and hands one to Dustin, well he had the other in his hand. " So what kind of flavor to these have?" Asked Dustin " well the one in your hand has coca coca flavor, the one in my hand has a mystery flavor." Eddie said pointing at the one soda can in Dustin's hand, well pointing the second one on his hand. "Well whatever flavor that has must be for the drinker to find out." Dustin said "Well if it's for the drinker find out what flavor this is then I'll take it." Eddie said. They open their cans and drink the sodas at a fast pace. "Wow that tasted good so good." Dustin said "glad you liked it."Eddie said. But then a weird gurgling growling sound from Eddie's stomach is heard he looks down and pats his stomach feeling like he may be having a stomach ache Dustin rise his eyebrow in confusion along with Eddie. He then let out a loud burp before spamming uncontrollably until it stops " woah that is weird what's up with that, the taste from my soda tasted like strawberries." Eddie said well controling his body. "Strawberries?" Dustin asked in concern. " maybe they added that in the drink as the secret flavor in my can to drink." Eddie said looking at his empty can inside, besides what's gonna happen am I gonna turn into something?" Eddie with sarcasm. "Okay." Dustin said not convinced then the weird gurgling growling sound in Eddie's stomach started to grow louder and louder he holds stomach and out his hand on his mouth feeling he vomited but it stopped as he feels the sound vanishing. "Huh I felt like I was gonna vomit for a minute but it's weird that the sound in my stomach got super loud then before." Eddie said " and look at me I'm still me good old me!" " Ooh boy" Dustin said. " Hey Dustin I'm Fine now what's the worse that can happen? It's not like I'll turn into a hot girl with curvy hips and large bust that is triple d size and my shirt will become a crop top and the sleeves of my shirt will shrink and my shoes will not change but be the same thing right?" Eddie said Dustin was not surprised at all when they heard a weird inflating sound coming from Eddie's chest they look at his shirt it look like his chest was rippling against it like water they saw his nipples going up and down like balloons being inflating by a tire pump having the air out again and again they felt like they a little bit bigger too he sees them flopping up and down and twirling under the top of his shirt he places his fingers on them and starts rubbing them softly. "Man that is weird my chest feels like is going to burst out fast but let's just ignore it and play outside." But just as he finishing that sentence he flips over to a mirror in the living room that was large Dustin goes over to see what made Eddie flip over to it then they heard a popping sound form his chest they saw he a had large triple d size tits and his clothes turn feminine, his shirt turn into a croptop and his pants tight themselves around his now feminine legs, his hips were curvy, and his butt was frim and ample the sleeves shrink to his shoulders well his head, face and hair stay the same, he looks at his body in shock and embarrassment, well Dustin snickers trying not to laugh. " Okay, Okay! I take back what I said I am so not okay... I'm now a man with a chick's body!" Eddie said in shock and fear as he blushed red on his cheeks he puts his hands in his pants and to his dismay his pointed arrow that he uses in the bathroom was replaced with the hole between a woman's legs, His eyes widened in shock. " it.. it's gone!" He shouts out. " What's gone?" Dustin asked confused. "My pointed arrow I use in the bathroom is gone look!" He said pulling his pants down revealing his underwear has transformed into a girl one he looks at his new private area it was red as his cheeks, Dustin blushes and covers his eyes Eddie noticed and pulls his pants up. "Well this is weird oh my shirt is so small my midriff is being exposed, my pants are so tight I can move almost my legs, and shoes are the same and so do my head, face and voice, and my hips are so curvy that going up and down, wait don't these look soft like a pair of bread being in a bag warped and do my nipples look big to you?" Eddie said looking at his new girly body. " yeah so what now?" Dustin said " well there is only one thing to do." " get help?" Dustin suggested. " no way anyone from school will never live this down, Jason Carver especially." Eddie said thinking about what would happen if anyone from school including his club and Jason laughing at him and his feminine body. " Well what now?" Dustin asked. " the one place were going is the Hawkins National Laboratory." " okay but let's be careful not to drink any of the potions there." Dustin said giving the teen a serious look. Alright because we have had enough problems now especially the one involving me." "Now let's go before my uncle calls to see how am I doing." Eddie said well grabbing his keys and starts the trailer and drives to the lab taking a shortcut through the forest and eventually reached the lab he parked at the back as he and Dustin got out and quietly snuck in without getting caught and entered the main lab see all potions and chemicals on tables and see a deluxe fridge with double doors not wanting to know why this was here they hurry over to it. " okay Dustin leave the potion search to me, don't want you to have a body like mine by drinking and eating something that glows." Eddie said " Right now do it quickly before someone sees the trailer and find out someone sneak in here." Dustin said worried that someone may be still around the outside. " don't worry it'll be quick and go before the cops arrive." Eddie said opening the fridge with the doors and sees potions and chemicals in different colors in shelves. " Hmm... must be a last minute project by the folks of this place forgot to put away deeply." "Hey that one looks medicinal and it's color is dark rich blue." Dustin said pointing at a beaker filled with blue liquid. " "not like the sarcasm I said before." Eddie said pulling out the potion. " and bedsides this looks like the correct antidote for me." He said well moving it close to Dustin's face well some of it fall on his hand as Eddie tips a finger in the substance and puts it in his mouth and tastes it and drinks the whole thing in one glup, well Dustin noticed a part of the potion on his hand and rises it to his nose and smells then he licks it off his hand and tastes it. " wow Eddie this tastes like blueberries." Oh yeah well my taste is-" then Dustin burps and spins so fast and eddie then felt his butt bubbling he then farts as the stench spread all over him and he wrinkles his nose in disgust at his own stinky smell then it stops and smells that the stink smoke was gone. " woah sorry about that." He said then his stomach growls oddly he looks at a mirror on the second door of the fridge and noticed his clothes changing his shirt turn into a sleeveless croptop and his pants shrunk turning into a Jean tight skirt his shoes then turn into go-go boots and his hand goes to his neck feeling a necklace on it and a bracelet on his left hand he now saw his body the same but with the new style. " holy! My clothes changed and so did my pants and shoes brother this is so not cool man plus that taste from the potion is watermelon." Then he screams when saw Dustin had changed he had turned into Daffy Duck from looney tunes " oh boy I'm daffy duck!" Dustin cried out in shock. " man this worse than having a girl's body but you turning into a cartoon that's just messed up." " I don't need to be scolded right now find another antidote pronto." Dustin said pointing at the fridge. " Okay but don't blame me if someone sees the real Daffy Duck here." He said well grabbing a yellow test tube. " na uh not if it's glowing" he said and throws it over his shoulder, he pulls out a green potion and turns to Dustin seeing he had another antidote he open his mouth for Eddie to throw some in it then he downs it in his throat and throws the empty beaker away then another fart happens and covers him, Dustin then spins crazily and blue smoke appears. Eddie appears as his normal self with his normal clothes but with his lips plump like a girl. " Jesus Christ! I've got girl lips he said touching his now feminine lips he then jumps in shock seeing that Dustin had changed again this time he's Tom the cat from Tom and Jerry. " I'm Tom the cat, find another now!" He said in annoyance. Eddie turns and grabs a clear potion and throws some in Dustin's mouth and pours the rest down his throat before throwing it away and there is a poof of green smoke and it covers him he emerges as a young beautiful woman his age wearing a dress and high heels "this is super wired." He said with his voice normal, he looks in the mirror and example himself. " woah do I look hot." " focus man gotta find a cure." He said he looks at Dustin and he had turn into bugs bunny " well this sucks." Eddie then found a purple potion and Dustin open his mouth drink some well Eddie drink the whole thing. Black thick smoke cover them completely. " oh no" Dustin said in the smoke he's in. Eddie now has a big bust and a very curvy body wearing a revealing dress with white sandals. "Why can't there be something in here to turn into someone I don't know who?" He said and pulls out a pink potion and throw it at Dustin who's now porky pig and drinks the rest and throws it away then smoke poof out this time pink and vanishes revealing him as Peter Parker in the same clothes he had before."that's so not what I want! I can't be spider man now!" he said in shock and anger. " boy can you swing like a real spider?" Dustin ask now as the Tasmanian Devil." Dustin this not the time games." He said and goes back to the fridge to look for another antidote, this time he pulled out another potion this one colored orange, he threw some at Dustin who drinks it and pours the rest down and throws it away and then smoke of the same color covers them and Eddie emerges as a vampire and Dustin as a hunchback. " by hell! I turned into Count Dracula!" Said looking at his fangs and hair. " cool" Dustin said " not as cool seeing you as a hunchback." He said turning back to the fridge and grab a cyan potion, throws some at Dustin, then drinks the rests as smoke of the same color appears on the two. The smoke disappears and Eddie appears as himself but with big breasts. " oh hell no! I have woman's chest!" He screamed in shock. " yeah well look at me I'm spike from Tom and Jerry." Dustin said. " well we don't have time for this!" Eddie shouts and grabs a random potions and throws some at Dustin and then drinks the rest before smoke appears and they appear as  a pair of gorillas? "Okay this not funny at all." " Well this is just great." Dustin said crossing his arms over his chest. " Dude relax I know this looks bad but you have to stay calm!" Eddie said trying to clam his friend down " okay but it kinda itches like I have fleas on me." "Oh yeah well I feel clean as a car." He said " well now I need a shower at home." Dustin said scratching himself. "Not without your folks freaking out seeing you like that." "Right my bad." He said. Eddie carefully puts his hand in the fridge and grabbed a light blue potion and pours down some of it into Dustin then himself. There is poof and they emerged as Scooby and Shaggy." "well this is weird." He said he pass Dustin a random potion to drink and pour down the rest. Smoke of the same color appears and disappears. "Dustin you just turned into George Jeston and me a hot model!" He said looking at himself. " well get another one" "okay okay" Eddie grabbed a random potion and gave some to Dustin and drank the rest and threw the flask away. Dustin then spins around and he's back to normal. "Finally I'm me!" He said happy being himself again. Then he turns and looks at Eddie "don't look at me man!" said the voice of a terrified woman. Dustin takes a quick look at at Eddie to see he has transformed into a beautiful princess but that was all he saw when Eddie spin him around he could hear the sound of Eddie's feet tapping. " I said don't look at me," a very annoying Eddie said. Dustin almost turn when Eddie placed his hands on his shoulders and stops him from looking,"Dustin I value our friendship not to be broken if you do not look at me!" Dustin heard Eddie drink a potion and a poof of red smoke, " okay you can look now!" Dustin looks to see Eddie's head normal with his voice sounding masculine again. "Hey your back!" He said "Does it look like I'm normal? Look at me I'm a muscular guy." He said now as a big buff muscular man and huge muscles and pecs and his clothes are now gym- theme. "No" Dustin said, " does this look like a cure to you?" Eddie look and saw Dustin holding a light blue potion in his hand. " Okay that looks like a cure now let's go before we get caught!" He said grabbing Dustin's hand and ran to his trailer outside. Later they arrived back at forest hills trailer park as Eddie grabs the cure form Dustin's hand and opens it. "Well sure hope this changes me back." He said " it better otherwise girls are gonna go crazy for you and that body of yours." Said dustin " first I want to see my self a second." Eddie looks at himself in the mirror and starts flexing, doing strong man poses until he stops and looks at the cure. " okay down the hatch!" He said and drank the whole thing then his stomach growls and shakes around until the sound of a balloon losing air is heard as his body and clothes turn back to normal. "Man that was so weird, but it was nice to have a workout for once." Eddie said looking at his normal body " yeah thank goddess  no saw what happened because you be laughed with having a girl's body." Dustin said " okay well nobody will never find out about this as long as this is secret." Eddie said " wait why would there be a can of soda that turns the body of a man into a woman's?" Dustin said confused. "Well whoever the jerk that made this stuff sure don't want to mess with me." Eddie said looking furious at who would pull a cruel prank on him by turning his body into a woman's "well one thing's for sure they maybe in prison for creating dangerous experiments like that," "yeah but I will never live this down right?" Eddie said " Nope, Nope you won't." Dustin patting Eddie's shoulder.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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