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Hey guess what I'm writing? Smuttttttt have fun.

There are these scary ass fireflies that keep lighting up and scaring the poop out of me. And I decided to read the fanfic Twist and Shout, I sobbed so loudly at like two in the morning.

This is for violettecerise because she is perfection. And haleyamberd gave me a bit of an idea for this.

I'm not kidding this story sucks balls.

In the picture is my Instagram so like if you want to follow me I follow back.


Mycroft Holmes was not a man you would see sitting at a bar, dressed in normal clothes, drinking beer.

Yet there he was.

He was, as his brother had implied, lonely. But he didn't want just anyone... He wanted Greg Lestrade.

And Mycroft promised to himself, thinking that it was one-in-a-million chance, that if Greg walked through the door he would somehow express his feelings towards the man.

And Mycroft had no idea that walking down the street, towards the same bar, was Greg. He was feeling the same as Mycroft... Lonely. And he wanted Mycroft to be Hiscroft. (A/N I sincerely apologize for that.)

So Greg walked into the bar, and ordered a beer. He took a sip and looked beside him. He then choked on his beer.

"Smooth like crunchy peanut butter Gregory." Mycroft commented lightheartedly.

"Yeah thanks." Greg growled in reply.

"So what brings you to this bar Gregory?"

"Ah just lonely." Greg replied, cheering up a little as his heart raced because of the man next to him.

"Well there's plenty of girls drooling over you at your work." Mycroft said, a little bitterly.

"Not what I'm looking for." Greg replied quietly, looking down at his lap.

"You too then?" Mycroft asked.


They sat in awkward silence. (A/N Ahem... Whovians.)

"I guarantee that the beer in here is crap. It's a little forward but... Would you like to go back for a drink at my place?"

"Love too."


Soon they were drinking some whiskey at Mycroft's big ass house in the middle of nowhere.

They were laughing at some embarrassing story about Sherlock. But both men had their mind set on the other.

And then Mycroft remembered his promise to himself.

"Would you like to join me on the balcony?" He asked Greg.

"Of course." Greg replied.

They walked out, and looked at the stars. Mycroft turned to Greg.

This is it. He thought. Do something romantic, smooth, and most of all classy.

And then Mycroft just ran his hand over Greg's abs. "Nice." He said, feeling Greg's toned chest.

Well fuck.

"Well..." Greg said, looking very startled.

"Oh my God I'm sorry. I just... Um... I don't do feelings." Mycroft replied, covering his face with his hands.

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