Chapter 2

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October 30th 2023

        The clock is ticking, the steam from the hot coffee fills the air, the tapping of a pen. Tom sits there shaking his leg, in the therapy office at his school, he is now 17 years old, brown hair up to the back of his neck, a little short and very attractive. "Tom?... Can you take your airpods out?" Mr. Winkler said. Tom nods and takes them out of his ears, putting them back into the case."Hello, I'm Mr. Winkler, you know, you should have been going to therapy right after the incident happened." He stated. "I know, but it hasn't really hit me till this year. I'm getting older and I'm starting to understand more things now." Tom said, still shaking his left leg. "I understand... So tell me about this night." Mr. Winkler said, tapping his pen. "I don't know if I remember everything but, I remember I was being babysat but Alyssa, I loved her so much, and I was getting ready for bed and, well she, heard and noise and next thing I remember is that I found her dead in the bedroom... I still have nightmares about it." Tom said, looking at his therapist. "I'm so sorry you had to see that, that must have been traumatizing to see as a 7 year old." He said. Tom nods and looks around the room. "My mom and dad took me after the incident and immediately moved into a new home." Tom said, nervously playing with his fingers. "I can understand why." Mr. Winkler said. "You will have therapy with me every Thursday, we will talk and help you get your feelings out as well as helping you heal." Mr. Winkler said. "Okay then." Tom said as the bell rings he puts on his backpack. "Bye Tom." He said as Tom waves and walks out.
        Tom walks out of the room and BAM!! someone jumpscares him as he jumps, it's his girlfriend Mia, she was short, her hair was back in a ponytail, and she was always so happy. "Hey babe! How was your first day of therapy?" She asked, putting her arm around his neck. "It was alright, it's boring but I will admit, I need it." He said, letting out a little laugh. "Hello ass holes." Zack said, pushing them. Zack was Tom's best friend, he had a good relationship with Mia too. Zack was annoying sometimes but deep down he has a heart, he is tall and skinny, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. "How was therapy man?" He asked Tom. "It was okay." He said, smiling at Zack. "Shit, my mom is here to pick me up, I gotta go guys." Tom said kissing Mia and doing a secret handshake with Zack. "Bye." Zack said as Mia smiles. "You choose a good one." Zack said, putting his hand on Mia's shoulder, smiling then walking away. She looks in the direction that he is walking away and she smiles. Tom smiles at his mom and gets in the car as everyone stares at Tom like he's crazy. "Hey mom." He said. Molly turns and smiles, she has the same blonde hair, but she straightened it, she looks good for her age. "Hey Tom." She said smiling, "How was therapy?" She asked. "It was good... I guess." He said seriously. "Well you're going to have to get used to it." Molly said. "Dad is working for the rest of the night, he took a shift that one of his workers canceled on." She said, "Oh alright." Tom said sad, because he was close to his dad. They parked in front of their house, it was a 2 story house, it was nice. They get out of the car and walk in.

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