"You really are leaving," is all she says.

I nod. "It doesn't mean I'm quitting. I'm still your partner. I'm just going to work from Texas."

She laughs. "Sounds cool."

I walk over to her and say, "You can have my office."

Her eyes widen. "Really?"

I nod and turn back to my boxes. "Have Jonathan send these boxes to my storage unit."

She nods.

I pick up my purse and laptop bag from the corner. I give my partner a pat on the back before walking out of the office. I step into the elevator and let out a deep sigh.

As I drive to my apartment, I give myself time to think about what I would do when I got to South Hart. I knew that I would need a place to live, but I knew there probably wasn't a house open for me to buy or rent.

South Hart is ridiculously small. I don't mean like 500 people small. I mean about 300 people small. I'm not even exaggerating.

Ring, ring.

I pick up my phone and answer with a tired, "Hello?"

"Are you ever going to freaking meet with us?! We are sick and tired of you being so lazy! Get your body back to work before I make sure your career is ruined!" the "agent's" angry voice yells at me.

I yell right back. "I am dealing with a death here! You want me to get back to work?! I'm moving! If you want me to get that book edited, I'll do it when I get to my old home! If you want it edited now, talk to my partner! I'm sure she'd be glad to edit it! Before I hang up, I just want you to know that I am sick and tired of having you both on my back constantly! Why don't you two just try to shut up occasionally?!"

I hang up the phone and throw it on the passenger seat. The rest of the way home, I am in an even worse mood.

When I get home, I rush to my hall closet and yank all my suitcases and boxes out. I began to furiously pack up my clothes, pictures, and kitchen utensils. By eleven o'clock, I am basically packed. All I had that wasn't  packed was a few clothes in my closet, a few kitchen necessities, and my bedding. My small bookshelf was empty and only two of my cupboards had things in them.

I sigh and sit down in my favorite chair. I avoid sitting on my couch because that was where I would sit with James. Anything that reminds me of him always brings a lot of pain. I realize that packing up had not been as hard as I thought, but it finally hit me that this is it.

I sit in my favorite chair and close my eyes, hoping that sleep will let me not feel any of this sorrow or pain for a little while.

The next morning, I wake up to the sound of sirens and cars. This is one of the perks of living in the city. You have an automatic alarm clock.

I force myself out of my chair and into my master bathroom to take a shower. As I slip under the warm water, I close my eyes. The sound of the water helps me relax and get ready to start a new day.

After taking a shower, getting ready for the day, and eating breakfast, I head to my office to do some last minute things.

"Ms. Garner!" an angry voice greets me as I enter the office.

I take a deep breath to keep myself from doing something I will regret.

"Yes?" I sweetly ask.

"Don't get smart with me, Ms. Garner! You haven't worked on my writer's book for more than a month! You should give me a little more respect!" he yelled angrily.

Counting On Foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن