Back at last..

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Author's note: guys im British so if i get the middle school grade wrong sorry x

Helga's pov:

"Criminy! moving back to this crummy ol' neighbourhood in the same ol' house turns out noone even bought our house, i guess there are a selection of people i missed when i left, some people like,Arnold.. oh arnold-" i pause to see if anyone is around. And then shortly continue what I ought to say.. I then slipped out my locket desperately needing to his face even if it's his forth graded self..

"Oh Arnold those days parted reminded me how I couldn't stand even the thought of being away from you , oh how I've missed your shining emerald eyes that anyone especially me could easily get lost in, how I missed your golden hair as free as a bird and as soft as a pillow, how I've missed you.." I let out a silent swoon and held my gold plated locket on my chest.

I finish my desired speech and then placed the locket back where I'd kept it safe from anyone..

Wondering how I'm going to appear for middle school at ps 119, I decided to create an ultimatum for myself, my normal pink dress I wore everyday in elementary school was my option 1 or a brand new outfit, a pink hoodie and a white skirt and my hair in a pony tail instead of those shabby pigtails my 9 year old self never cared for and to top it all off mascara that could define my lashes with such power and  some lip balm. That would be weird determining the fact that I am only 12 years old now but I didn't care, I did second think in the mascara I thought that it would over do what my vision was...

Hey Arnold (HA) : Helga returns.. Where stories live. Discover now