3| Cold Hearted Alpha

Start from the beginning

With every word, I took one step towards him and now I was towering above him while he was still withering in pain on the ground.

"I... I am sorry, Alpha King. Please leave me" he begged and crawled back in an attempt to flee me.

But was that possible?


I stepped on his stomach to stop his movements right there and then. He coughed out blood and his eyes rolled back.

My feet lifted up a bit when he was about to leave this Earth.


I am not letting him die so easily.

I will make sure he gets his fair share of the punishment. I want to kill him one inch at a time. I want to show the world that there is no room in my pack for traitors. I want them to see and feel their souls leave their bodies before they go against me or my pack's rules.

I kicked him in the stomach, and he rolled around on the ground, spitting more blood.

I felt the rage in my veins calm down as the smell of fresh blood hit my nostrils.

My body bowed down and wrapped my fingers around his throat to pick him up off the ground. He thrashed his legs in an attempt to touch the ground, but I raised his body so high that he couldn't even touch his toes to the ground. As he came face to face with me, my eyes threw fireballs at him. His nose and mouth were swollen and I bet he has already pissed in his pants.

When I punched his eyes, daring him to meet my gaze, he blinked and tried to look into mine.

He is a traitor and he doesn't deserve to look into my eyes.

I squeezed his throat even harder, and he coughed up even more blood. He was practically praying for his death and was already half-dead.

Just as I was about to deprive him of oxygen, one of my men who brings information interrupted me.

"I swear it should be important or you would take his place," I roared, and he took a step back, staring at me in horror because he knew that it wasn't an empty threat.

"I..." he sighed, "we found that girl!"

My body froze as soon as those words spilled out of his wobbling lips. My fingers opened, and the man fell to the ground with a loud thud, gasping for air for his life.

He crawled away to get away from me, and I let him go because what my ears had just picked up was far more important than the insect I was about to crush beneath my feet.

I have been looking for this girl for three years!

Three damn years!

Not to accept her as my mate, but rather to punish her for her crime.

Nobody has ever kept themselves hidden from me for as long as this girl!

The fire that had just been extinguished in my veins rekindled, this time even more furiously. I could see nothing but red.

If my previous growl had been thunderous, this howl had been deafening and piercing. My chest and muscles were expanding even more. The desire for vengeance burned through every pore of my body.

"You know the consequences if I found that you are lying to me," I asked my beta, Marcus to make sure.

"He is not lying, Alpha King" he assured me. He is the only person whom I believe blindly "You can see it with your eyes, my King"

I nodded my head and gritted my teeth to control my rage. My eyes closed and I released a breath. Taking the spare clothes, I went behind the tree to shift into human form and wore the clothes.

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