God's Entrance Of Pain

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Sakura: We have to be careful, there's paper butterflies outside and if any one of them spots us, it's likely that Pain will know and his partner who's name is Konan, she'll be a problem in some level but she's not much a threat unlike Pain, he's who we'll need to worry about, so let's be careful, we don't want to get anyone else involved.

/Naruto nodded in agreement, but then Sakura remember something about Konan and it's mostly about her vs Obito, which made Sakura nervous upon realizing what she just said just moments ago do to the fact that she forgotten how powerful Konan could be and how much of a threat she opposes and so she quickly snap out of her thoughts and look to Naruto with nervous expression/

Sakura: You know what I take that back, Konan is a threat cause she can make her paper into bombs, like so many of them that she parts the sea with so many paper bombs!

/Naruto looks to Sakura with a dead pan expression and spoke in a low tone/

Naruto: And you just remembered that, what else are you forgetting that I need to know?

/Sakura look to Naruto with a hint of annoyance/

Sakura: Well excuse me, but trying to remember everything within the past 16 years is so hard and I can't recall it all, hell I'm already forgetting a lot on what's going on and I don't know where's Pain and Konan are, and honey I don't see you remembering everything.

/Then Sakura snap her fingers two in a sassy way twice while moving her head in a circular motion for a good moment at Naruto [Video of Cat In The Hat will explain it better then me ^w^]/

/Naruto stared at Sakura with confusion on his expression, then Sakura got up from the bed to walk to the window side once again to pull the curtain just enough to peak from the outside of the love hotel once again to see the cloudy skies and still seeing the paper butterflies flying about but then the paper butterflies are moving away which Sakura notice right away and then she look to Naruto/

Sakura: The paper butterflies are moving away, so we better hurry and find Jiraiya.

/Naruto got up and ready himself with a serious expression on his face/

Naruto: Right.

/Then the two teen couple got close enough and Sakura breath in and exhale out and slowly gathering nature chakra into herself to enter in sage mode and she place her right hand on Naruto's shoulder and focus on her own chakra with the mix of nature chakra to teleport herself and Naruto, then we put our attention with both Konan and Pain as they stand at one of the platform of the tower [here's a pic of it]/

/Then the two teen couple got close enough and Sakura breath in and exhale out and slowly gathering nature chakra into herself to enter in sage mode and she place her right hand on Naruto's shoulder and focus on her own chakra with the mix of natu...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Pain: Well?

Konan: It's Jiraiya.

Pain: I see, Jiraiya sensei huh, how nostalgic, and the other two?

Why Am I Sakura?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن