" you.. just now.. was about to say I am beautiful right..? "she asked and he nodded a no and she pouted looking away.. He stared at her with a small Smile and admiring eyes.

" but I will admit this.. You look like a hamster while pouting.. It's kinda cute " he said poking her cheek and she pushed his hand away

" stop teasing me..." she said and he started laughing..

"pfft.. Are you that shy sia..? Your cheeks are getting red.." he said with a smirk and she facepalmed and stared at him through the gap of her fingers.. He took her hands away giggling and she hit his shoulder..

"ouch.. It hurts."

"then stop laughing you jerk.." she said hitting him again..

A group of mgaicians were standing outside staring at them with awestruck faces

"the Princess look beautiful today too"

"yeah.. He is so lucky to be near her all the time.."

"may be that's why he is laughing.. Do you ever seen him laugh or even smile other than being with princess..?"

"Haah.. Enough of this.. When will they stop flirting..? My legs hurt..I will just get back to my table."

Cabel and rei heard their conversation from inside and giggled as they called them inside.

Lucas. P. O. V..

I was on my way to the tower when I saw a huge crowd of people standing in the front.. Heh.. Seems like that whitey bastard is here..

When I reached the tower there is a notice of meeting in the main palace... Must be whitey 's father' s doing..

When I entered the palace I saw a glimpse of blonde hair shining and ran towards it... As usual she looked beautiful staring at the garden in daze.. Her hair is adorned with real flowers and I don't know which flower is beautiful here..? Her or those garden flowers..?

(their outfits)

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(their outfits)

" sia.." I called and she turned towards me and smiled..

"hii lucas." she started smiling at me.. Hmm.. It's feels good ot know she added me in her list..

"why are standing here..?"

"don't wanna go inside" she said bored.

"me too..but.. Let's just go and end it.." I said and she nodded a yes as we walked inside.. Wherever she goes every guys would stare at her in awe.. Well.. She is like a walking goddess statue.. I won't blame them

I saw that whitey's head shining in the distance.. That dumb chimera is beside him smiling at him like an idiot.. As soon as I saw him.. I felt my blood boil and my hands itched to kill him right here and now.. I looked away trying to calm Myself.. But it's not working... Should just kill him then..?

I Suddenly felt my burning insides slowly calming down... I turned and looked down and she is holding my hand as we were walking... She stared at me straight in the eyes and smiled saying everything will be OK with her eyes...

I felt my anger melting down.. My heart skipped a beat.. Her eyes holding a whole ocean inside them shining bright.. Her eyes are the brightest in obelian royal family ..

" let's get over this and go out.. Hmm..?" she said tilting her head..I nodded a yes and I know I am smiling...

When I looked up I saw that whitey staring at us with a appalled face.. Pfftt.. This is so fun..

The meeting started.. I and sia sit on our respective seats which are thankfully side by side.. I stared at felix and he winked.. As expected it's felix's doing. Felix is such a good guy, I really like him...I smiled at him as he is standing in between sia and the emperor... Other side of the emperor Sat chimera And whitey

During the whole Meeting the nobles are spouting bullshit.. and I looked around.. White's eyes never left sia.. Chimera looked pissed because of that.. Emperor looked more bored than me.. Felix is pretending to listen while he is half asleep..big whitey must be the only one intrested in this bullshit..

My eyes finally settled on sia who is listening to everyone with keen eyes.. I hold her hand under the table and she slowly turned towards me..

" are you seriously listening to this bullshit..?" I whispered and she said no with her eyes

" I am just patiently waiting for this to end.. I want to sleep this is so boring" she whispered back..

I saw whitey's hand fisted and he looked so pissed. Finally the meeting came to an end and the emperor didn't accepted even a single request argued today.. What a waste of time

He suddenly turned towards me and we both exchanged a bored look.

"ijekiel alpheus" he called and whitey rushed to him almost tripping.. Tch.. Such a doggy

"This is Lucas skyler.. Our new royal magician and magic squad captain " he said... What's with this introduction..?

" lucas.. This is ijekeil alpheus.. Holy squad captain and managing director of finance department.. I hope you two get along " he said with a smirk

Heh.. He is too sharp unlike his blank face.. I smirked back at him as my eyes went to whitey 's..

" hello.. Sir magician.. Nice to meet you.. "

He said smiling.. I am sick of this fake smile.. Seriously.. I returned his handshake

"hii.. Just call me lucas" I said and he nodded a yes

"you can also Just call me ijekiel" he said smiling.. I never said I am gonna call you respectfully though ..

The emperor walked out and that big whitey followed him.. Felix looked fed up with him as he followed the emperor.. Whitey walked past me and went to sia..

"hii Athy .. How are you doing...?" he asked with a bright smile.. I feel like puking.. This fake bastard

"yeah.. I am fine.. Congratulations on finishing your academy course Sir alpheus" she said..

What is this fuzzy Happy feeling inside me..?!! She didn't called him by name..? She used kiel every time she talked to me

"ahem.. Hello sir magician.." I turned to see chimera staring at me with a fake smile..

"I can see how pissed you are princess.. No need to act.. Just feel free to be real around me cause our feelings are mutual " I said and she giggled..

" you are seriously annoying sir lucas.. At the same time.. intresting.. No one ever talked harshly like this to me you know" she said

" I am glad to be the first one... Bye then " I said and walked away.. I turned towards her and sia looked stoic.. He is saying something but she isn't at all Listening

" sia.." I called and three of them turned towards me.. She smiled as she swiftly walked towards me and hold my hand.

" let's go.." she mumbled..

" it seems sir magician got close with Athy in such a short time." whitey said
Smiling but his voice sounded pissed and jealous

" athy is that why you are talking to me differently..?" he asked with puppy eyes.. What the...

" that's some bullshit you are saying sir alpheus.. From what I remember, I started calling you like this after your engagement.. You are my sister's fiance.. I can't casually address you by name .. This has nothing to do with lucas" she said in a blank tone and he looked hurt and pissed..

Pfft.. Sia is the best.. Today is so nice... It's so fun to see him like this.. Chimera looked pleased with sia's answer

"let's go.." I said and we walked out.. They both are standing there staring at us.. Sia doesn't look good..

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