Lily: *I looked at Him* Jake she is My cousin...*He nods as We both run out* April keep everyone here!!, be right back!..*She looked concerned*

April: Lily You shouldn't be!-...*We walked out before, She could protest, closing the door, as We rushed to an car*

*We had pistols, as Jake stepped on it, as I loaded and checked Them, I nodded to Him, He nods kicking the gear up*

[Emily Pov]

*I clicked the channel, as I sighed on 8*

Emily: Hello this Emily Sullivan, please help Us...*I gave up, and hoping it went through, as I walked over and opened the trunk, I gasped seeing Bill ane Jimmy, I grabbed tape from Jimmy's month*

Jimmy: R-Run, Emily, run!..*He groans out*

*I gasped at this, then see Bonnie dash out the building, as the one of the two criminals, ran to catch Her, I aimed the load revolver at Him, thank gosh Lily taught Me*

Emily: *I fired but missed not wanting to kill* Stop!!!...*He doesn't listen and grabs Bonnie in an hostage hold*

Criminal: *Shows His gun, as Bonnie struggles* Hey hey, look now don't do anything hasty....*He said as I was too concentrated on Him, as His buddy snuck up on Me*

*Soon the two were shot dead, I jumped as I turned My eyes sparkled seeing Lily, and Jake come over with pistols, as Jake helps Bonnie, and Jimmy, and Bill, I hugged Lily

Lily: *Hugs back, grabbing My arm* Bonnie!!, Jake get them to storm cellar!!!...*They nodded as She takes My hand, as We stumbled into the cellar, She closed it, as everyone breathed heavily* You okay?...*I nodded, She hugged Me* I am gonna scold the hell out of You, after this-...*Soon pouring rain hits, as I looked at Her, ashamed* ..After...*I looked down nodding, She stumbles over to Bill and Jimmy, chuckles as Bonnie hands Her some bandages and stuff* You two look like crap...*We all laughed, as We sat down*

[Lily Pov]

Jimmy: *Nods as I finished patching Them up* Thanks Lils..*I patted Their shoulders, as I stumbled sitting next to Jake and Emily, I signed groaning*

Lily: *I grinned* Can't wait to take this damn thing off, swear henders My speedy ness..*They chuckled with smiles, as I looked at Bonnie, She looked distressed, I signed* 'Hey Bon Bon, what's wrong?' *She looks at Me*

Bonnie: *Signs as She spoke* Lily, Stanley has been out there, He doesn't know about the Radiation...*She said, I frowned as I cursed*

Lily: *I signed* When the rain passes, I swear to You, We will find Him, Your big brother, is too stubborn to let some radiation beat Him...*She relaxes a bit, and lets off an wary smile, She grabs the Radio* Eric?...*She said on comms, as static came out* Need to see how town hall is doing, knowing My Dad and Your Dad, they be worried old men...*Jakes laughs nodding as We leaned back*

*Soon We heard footsteps, We all stiffened, as We hear the door to the basement jiggle open, We stepped back as We see it open, an footsteps come down, and revealed to be Stanley*

Bonnie: Stanley!...*Smiles as He does, and tries to go to Her, but I gasped pulling Her back*

Lily: Stanley!, stay back...*Jake covers Us as Stanley looks confused*

Jake: *He nodded to this* Your contaminated Stanley...don't touch Her...*He nodded seeing as I threw Him an Towel, He caught it, started to dry Himself off*

*I walked over to an medical tin, and opened it, as I see the contents, an see a bottle of iodine, I grabbed it and tossed it to Stanley, He looked at it confused*

Lily: *I chuckled nervously* In order to protect Your insides big guy, soo umm toughen up, and bottoms up...*He looked at Me, and chuckled shaking his head*

Stanley: *opens it* As You said, bottoms up...*Drinks it, as I went to the radio and grabbed it as I turned its channel's*

Lily: *I pulled it up to My mouth* Mayor Green?, Dad you there?...*As I waited hearing static*

(Radio)Johnson: *As I heard an voice* Lilian it's good to hear Y-..*Coughs a bit* Your voice, how are You and Jake doin?..*I sighed with an chuckle*

Jake: Right here Dad, are You alright?..*He asked Mr. Green chuckles*

(Radio)Carl: *As My dad's voice came in* Old fart, had an little nap, April came by to help Him, before the storm hit...*I smiled then nodded*

Lily: Can you get April for Me?...*As I heard static, until I heard Her voice*

(Radio)April: *Sighs in relief* I'm here Lily, what's up?..*I nodded as I began to tell Her Stanley's situation* good thinking with the Iodine, as soon as the storm ends, You bring Him immediately to the clinic, and You take it easy with Your leg!..*I winced and mumbled yes ma'am*

Emily: *Puts My leg on Her lap* You heard Her, sighs Your not going anywhere else, sides save My life?...*I giggled at Her, leaning back*

Bill: *I looked at the ceiling* You know a lot Lily?, Military do that for Ya?..*I shrugged a bit*

Lily: *As I began to think* I did learn a lot, but after the last war, I learned a bit from Military, My squad, one was an Doctor, He gave Me an lot of tips and advices of medical skills and hacks, soon after, I pilled up tons of new skills, money, information, sooo yeah....*Everyone chuckles, as some from of grace, the rain stops*

Jake: *Everyone's eyes widen* Jimmy, Bill, get Stanley and Bonnie to the clinic, Lily, Emily lets head to the town...*Everyone nodded as We headed out*

*Soon Me and Jake, along with Emily headed, back to town as I sighed a bit, feeling tired, Emily looks at Me*

Emily: *Looks at Jake, as I heard speaking mumbles, as I closed My eyes, heavy exhaustion comes over Me, as I passed out*

[Emily Pov].

*I looked at Lily, hearing Her sigh as She closed Her eyes, I smiled softly as I looked at Jake*

Emily: Lily passed out...*I said, He looks on the rear view, He chuckles* She done a lot today, let's get Her to Her house...*He nodded as We take off towards Her house*

*A little after, Jake parked at Her house, as He carried Her bridal style, as I found Her keys in Her pocket, I unlocked Her door, as He and I walked in, We smiled seeing the house with memories*

*A little after, Jake parked at Her house, as He carried Her bridal style, as I found Her keys in Her pocket, I unlocked Her door, as He and I walked in, We smiled seeing the house with memories*

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Jake: *As We headed towards Her room* Remember She through an Party?, everyone got drunk hard...*I laughed nodding as He laid Her down on the bed, as I looked at the pictures, seeing the party photo, I chuckled*

Emily: *I looked at Him* Why did You come back?...*He would be an problem, if I am to win Lily, as Mine, He frowns looking at Me, as I said before jogging out* It should ve been You out there, not Roger...*As I huffed, Me and Roger promised each other, Lily would be Ours, but now I am not sure He is even alive*

~TimeSkip, New Chapter~

{Their Agent of Hope}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें