
Hey, what is your room number?





Following the signs, she walked towards the elevator before turning right, and seeing Bella walk out of her hotel room. They ran towards eachother and hugged for a few seconds before looking at eachother and smiling.

"So, you've been doing this training thing for a few days, is it any fun?" Her and Bella walked towards the elevator before heading down.

"It's mainly just me and Pedro goofing off, but yeah." The two of them walked outside to where a black cadalac was waiting to take them.

"Wait, photo." The two of them took a selfie in front of the car, to save for a later date. Giggling, Bella plugged her phone into the car and started a playlist of songs released before 2003.

"To get in the mood." Right as she said that, all out of love started playing.

"Are you hitting on me Bella?" Oli asked, jokingly.

"I would never," Bella responded, flustered, causing Oli to laugh. "I meant get in the mood for The Last of Us, there is no music made after 2003."

"No released music you mean. You can make Ellie play whatever song you want on her guitar," Oli supplied.

"Nerd," Bella slapped back.

"I prefer informed," Oli laughed. They fell into a rhythm in the car of being on their phones, making jokes to each other, and singing along to the music until they reached the dome where they would be working. "Woah." Was all Oli could say as they walked inside.

Inside the dome where they would be working there were stations set up for everything you need to know to survive the apocalypse. There was stations where you would shoot a nerf gun at targets, a station manufactured to look like a jungle, a laser tag area to work with stunt doubles.

"Yeah... this was not here yesterday," Bella said, staring at it in awe.

Over the next few days, the cast, who was much bigger than the media knew about went through the training. Often times it was modified, so it would not get boring, such as ping-pong with the Nerf guns or a first aid instructor coming in on the 15th. Having so much fun, Oli almost forgot what was coming up in two days. Maybe on purpose, maybe on accadent, she did not want to think about her sisters death. Going up to Craig before they were going home for the day, she asked the qquestion she had been avoiding all week.

"Craig?" He turned around from his light conversation with an extra.

"Yeah?" He responded. Oli looked down at the ground to stop from crying in front of him. "Hey hey hey, it's ok, whats up?" Scratching her neck, Oli responded.

"I was wondering if I could have the day off of training on the seventeenth? Um, it's just a s-special day for my family." Oli was proud of herself for not crying as she spoke. It felt like she was 12 again, crying in the principal's office after having a panic attack. She did not like to cry in front of people, it was weird, and made an impact on what they thought of her.

"Of corse, Oli, take all the time you need. I can't imagine what you are going through. If you need more time, you don't have to come the following days either." She nodded, trying to hold back tears at his words. "Do you want a hug?" She nodded before flinging herself into him. 

The next day, she went on the same journey with Bella to the location. Scrolling thrugh reels, she found an edit reposted of Pedro. Showing it to Bella, they both laughed before Oli hit send to him. Within minutes, Pedro responded with a fan edit of Grace falling off the tower to the sound "Slap back to reality, opp there goes gravity, opp there goes gravity." She laughed before texting him 

'Just wait for Stranger things season 4.' 

Bella looked over her shoulder at the message and screamed. "You have to tell me what happens," causing Oli to laugh. 

"That is very much illegal, Bells." This caused Bella to pout. "Later," She whispered, looking to the driver. Bella just nodded. The two of them pulled up to the location before running out of the car. "Thank you," Oli yelled to the driver, like she always did, with him nodding like he always did. The actors raced to laser tag with Bella in the lead. Oli quickly caught up, beating her friend and grabbing a gun. 

The two of them did this for most of the day. Oli had gotten much better at her aim since the training started, and could now beat pretty much any cast member who faced off against her. After beating them for the fourth time in an hour, Bella called backup. Suddenly, every cast member in the dome came running to her call. It was a full scale battle, Oli against everyone else. Hiding in a dark corner, and sneaking around, Oli currently had seven kills, which were displayed on a board above the arena. Pacing forward, she heard the voice of Bella and Adam Basil, a stuntman who was going to play a bloater. Quickly hitting her, Bella was out. Adam pulled out a walkee talkee before telling everyone where he was. Oli hit him in annoyence, racking her kill count up to nine. Running the other way, she fled as she heard a group of people coming. They spotted her, and she just kept fireing at as many people as she could... until Pedro snipped her from up above. Oli glared at him, before taking off her stuff and looking at the scoreboard. 

15 kills. Everyone began clapping for her, and chanting "Lark, Lark, Lark, Lark!" Oli smiled, being swept up by the moment.

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