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Harper and Griffin are walking on the street when they have to go through an alley to get to where they want to go

"Are you sure we have to go through the alley in order to get there? I don't trust dark alley's." I say, worried.

"Everything will be fine, I've been down here a million times." Griffin responds.

"Ok.." I'm still kind of anxious going down here but I follow Griffin.

While walking down an alley, Griffin winces and holds his neck.

"Griff, you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Yeah i'm fine, just a bit.." Was all he could get out before he collapsed.

"GRIFFIN!" I shout, then I feel something poke my neck. "What the.." I say before collapsing like Griffin.

In The Kidnapper's basement

I slowly start coming back to consciousness and I see Griffin next to me looking worried.

"Griffin? Where are we..?" I ask, still kind of drowsy.

"Harper you're awake! This person wearing a mask took us, he came down here not too long ago." He responds sounding concerned. Then we hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I see you're both awake now." The person in the mask says.

"Who are you!? What do you want!?" I shout. I then realize he has a gun.

"Jeez you're loud. Maybe I should just take you out right now." He says pointing the gun at me.

"Leave her alone!" Griffin shouts.

"Oh?" He says. "What is she your girlfriend?"

Griffin doesn't respond.

"Well that just makes it better." The person in the mask says while pulling the trigger.

"No!" Griffin shouts, jumping in front of me.

"GRIFFIN!" I shout going to him. "NO NO NO NO NO!" I start crying frantically.

"I'm sorry Harper, I love you." Griffin says.

"NO DONT SAY THAT! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE!" I shout, frantically trying to stop the rapid bleeding.

He holds my hand, and he uses his other to cup my cheek.

"I guess you were right, you can't trust dark alleys." He says, letting out a laugh while a tear roles down his cheek.

His gaze drifted off to the side, and his hand fell down.

"NO!" I shout, sobbing over his dead body.

Harffin One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now