☆ Alexis' POV

I check my face in the mirror I'm holding.

If my werewolf trait wasn't back I would have been scarred for life.

A rhythmic knock on the door makes me shut the mirror and clear my throat.

“What are you doing?” she asks from the doorway.

I pretend to adjust Milton's picture on my desk.

“Nothing” I reply.

“I totally caught you checking yourself out” she chuckles. “Are you going on a date?”.

“No, Alvria. I was checking if I had spinach in between my teeth”.

“You don't like spinach” she says flatly.

Then she gasps.

“You are going on a date!”.

I make a face.

“A date? God, no”.

“Oh” she says, disappointment thick in her voice.

I shake my head.

“What can I help you with, Ria?”.

“Oh, the boss wants to see you” she says.

“Alvria please” Devin chuckles, walking in with a big gift basket. “She's the boss... our boss”.

“Another one?!” I ask, looking at the table in the corner of my office that was full of gifts.

“This one has got chocolate flavor combinations I didn't even know existed up until right now” Devin says to me.

I sigh.

“Remind me never to agree to be a set designer consultant”.

“Let them praise you and shower you with more gifts, Alexis” Devin chuckles. “Literally”.

“It was one time, one” I say.

“And it'll be your one time anything if you don't get your ass in Cane's office right now”.

I look and see my boss' assistant.

“I was getting her, Annie. I swear” Alvira says.

Annie peeks into my office, eyeing the gifts in the corner, then eyeing me.

“I'm sure you were” she says dryly and walks off.

So uptight!

“Why didn't you mention my boss was in?” I ask my assistant.

“I did” she defends. “I said the boss wanted to see you”.

“You should have said 'my', Ria” I tell her.

“Possessive pronoun” Devin sings.

Alvira rolls her eyes.

“Just get up and go” she says to me and turns out of the office.

I stand up and Devin circles my chair.

“I'll keep your chair warm for you” he grins at me.

“Up” I order before his butt touches the seat and he darts out the door.

Annie isn't behind her seat so I knock on my boss' door and enter.

“You wanted to see me, Lemaster?” I ask.

“Yes, yes, Alexis. Please, do come in and take a seat”.

I close the door behind me and take a seat across from him.

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